The Chief Executive has responded as follows :
"Firstly I can assure you that whatever Festive event we have this year, it will definitely have the name Christmas in the title.
I will be chairing a group to plan and prepare for the Christmas event 2010, and when the group has concluded I will bring a report to Committee , so that elected members can contribute and take the final decision.
In terms of the plastic Christmas tree you are quite correct that there is one more year on the current contract, and thereafter i.e. Christmas 2011 there will be an opportunity to consider the options of a real or plastic Christmas tree."
I am pleased that there will be a review of the festive arrangements and that Christmas will be in the title of the 2010 event. In terms of the timescale for progress on the 2010 event preparations, the Chief Executive further advises :
"I have targeted that the report must be considered by Committee before the Summer recess, and the earlier the better. I am keen to get the group underway as soon as possible."