* This morning, along with councillor colleagues, I had a very useful meeting with the Waste Management Department and the Environmental Health & Trading Standards Department about the problems of refuse presentation at various locations. This gave the opportunity to raise issues in specific streets in the West End where residents have complained about poor refuse presentation or wheelie bins being left out on the street permanently. The officers present gave very useful updates on their various initiatives to help tackle this problem, that is a source of many complaints from constituents.
* Further to Tavish Scott's visit to Dundee yesterday, you can read the article about this in today's Press and Journal by going to http://tinyurl.com/tavishpandj.
* I recently asked for additional grit bins for the north end of Thomson Street and the top end of Tait's Lane. I am pleased to advise that the City Engineer updated me this morning as follows :
"The update to the grit bin issue in Tait's Lane is that Tayside Contracts have been asked to set out a grit bin on the grassed area in the car park at 38 Tait's Lane.
In Thomson Street, an order has been raised for the placing of a small grit bin on the east side at the top."