* The first ever Board meeting for the West End Primary/Nursery Schools project - St Joseph's Primary, Park Place Primary and Park Place Nursery Schools - took place. It is envisaged that a pre-planning application process, including an exhibition for parents, carers and the local community generally, will take place between February and April. The exhibition will be on 1st and 3rd April, and there was some discussion about the location of this - the consensus view I support is to hold it at Blackness Library.
* I had a useful meeting with a member of the WestFest committee about progress with this excellent initiative - see http://www.dundeewestfest.com/.
* Tonight's "Evening Telegraph" covered my concerns about the huge cuts in Fairer Scotland funded (FSF) projects across Dundee that have been supported by the SNP council administration. I have been inundated with messages of support over this issue - people right across Dundee are shocked at the extent of cuts to excellent projects that are aimed at helping the least affulent and most vulnerable citizens in our city.
I had a useful meeting this afternoon with council chief officers - including the Chief Executive, the Director of Finance and key directors - about the council budget. Aside from the smash and grab raid on FSF, the officers' proposals on departmental budgets are sound.
I have described the SNP administration's raid on FSF funding as Robin Hood in reverse - taking from those most in need. It is clear from feedback from many constituents that this is a view shared by people right across Dundee.