If successful, this pilot should lead to a possible community transport project for the city which could help those areas – including parts of the West End – currently poorly served by bus services. I am particularly thinking of those served by the 69 service (three times a day only and nothing at all at weekends), the former 74 service (removed by Stagecoach Strathtay in July) and other streets in the West End with no or little in the way of bus services.
The response from the Head of Transportation was as follows :
“When the pilot will commence & for how long?
It is hoped to commence March/April 2010 for a six month period.
The detail of the scheme proposed?
The detail of the scheme proposed?
It is likely to take the form of a flexible routed bus service with full flexibility in the Linlathen/Mid Craigie areas running through Stobswell into the City Centre terminating at Shopmobility. It is too early to give you full details as we are still working up detailed plans and intend to go to consultation before the end of 2009.
Why this particular community was chosen for the pilot?
Why this particular community was chosen for the pilot?
This is the third time in 10 years that the Mid Craigie/Linlathen area has been identified as a difficult area to access services from. Also the demographics of the area have influenced this choice. The choice has been made based on the consultant report as reported to TACTRAN Board in June 2009.
Should the pilot be a success, the likely timeframe for introducing DRT across the city thereafter?
Should the pilot be a success, the likely timeframe for introducing DRT across the city thereafter?
After the initial six month pilot, we will evaluate the financial and practical operational sustainability of the service with a view to expanding to a citywide DRT solution. Obviously the pilot will give us real life experience operating a DRT service.”