The appearance last week of the Christmas tree at Seabraes (see above) made it clear that West End Christmas Week is about to commence!
As reported in tonight's Evening Telegraph, Christmas Week will be launched at 10am this Saturday (21st November) in Dundee West Church’s Community Facilities (132 Perth Road but enter at top of Roseangle) where a West End Community Fayre is taking place.
Many local organisations are participating and all local residents are invited to attend. Entrance is entirely free of charge and it will be a great way for local people to learn about all the organisations in the West End that are working for the area.
At 10.30am, the Primary One children of Ancrum Road Primary, Park Place Primary, St Joseph’s Primary and Blackness Primary Schools will take part in a massive balloon launch at nearby Seabraes. The balloon launch will be led by local singer Chris Sinclair.
Opening the West End Christmas Week with a community fayre is a new innovation for Christmas Week and it is great that no less than 18 organisations are participating. We’d urge local residents to come along to see all that’s happening in the West End of the city!
Today we announced the winner of the P7s' Fireworks Safety sticker colouring competition - so - congratulations to Steven from Ancrum Road Primary School, whose winning entry is below! There are class winners for all seven P7 classes across Ancrum Road, Blackness, Park Place and St Joseph's Primary Schools who are all getting books vouchers (with grateful thanks to Borders Books) and Steven will also get a studio tour of the Wave 102 studios to see a live radio station in action and meet the presenters!
As reported in tonight's Evening Telegraph, Christmas Week will be launched at 10am this Saturday (21st November) in Dundee West Church’s Community Facilities (132 Perth Road but enter at top of Roseangle) where a West End Community Fayre is taking place.
Many local organisations are participating and all local residents are invited to attend. Entrance is entirely free of charge and it will be a great way for local people to learn about all the organisations in the West End that are working for the area.
At 10.30am, the Primary One children of Ancrum Road Primary, Park Place Primary, St Joseph’s Primary and Blackness Primary Schools will take part in a massive balloon launch at nearby Seabraes. The balloon launch will be led by local singer Chris Sinclair.
Opening the West End Christmas Week with a community fayre is a new innovation for Christmas Week and it is great that no less than 18 organisations are participating. We’d urge local residents to come along to see all that’s happening in the West End of the city!
Today we announced the winner of the P7s' Fireworks Safety sticker colouring competition - so - congratulations to Steven from Ancrum Road Primary School, whose winning entry is below! There are class winners for all seven P7 classes across Ancrum Road, Blackness, Park Place and St Joseph's Primary Schools who are all getting books vouchers (with grateful thanks to Borders Books) and Steven will also get a studio tour of the Wave 102 studios to see a live radio station in action and meet the presenters!
My colleague Rob Carstairs has designed a brilliant West End Christmas Week website that you can access at www.seabraesfireworks.co.uk