"I have been forwarded a copy of your enquiry regarding the ECM programme which is currently on site in the Logie area. There have been a number of matters which have delayed us notifying all of the owners in this development of the planned works and hopefully the following update will be of assistance to you in responding to any further enquiries you may receive.
Letters were originally issued on a phased basis to allow the contractor to make a start on site having secured a favourable rate for the hire of scaffolding. The owners who were notified in September are in the following addresses:
Birchwood Place: 2-8, 10-16, 26-32, 25-31
Elm Street: 14-20, 22-28
Glenagnes Road: 4-8, 26-32
Sycamore Place: 1-4, 5-8
As work has progressed on these blocks some minor roof repairs have been identified. As this development is not due to be included in the roof replacement programme until 2020 it has made sense to incorporate the minor roof repairs into the ECM programme whilst scaffolding is erected and avoid costs being incurred under the general repairs budget which is as always under pressure, through possibly having to erect scaffolding twice. There has therefore been a slight delay as estimates have been prepared for the remainder of the development which will include the cost of the roof repairs. An additional letter will be issued to the owners already notified of the works that we anticipate a slight increase in their costs due to the additional repairs identified.
Every effort is being made to expedite the issuing of the estimates as we are keen to avoid any delays to the overall contract. However it is also important that having identified the roof repairs we comply with our Owners Charter and give them accurate notification of the work envisaged. Our Quantity Surveyor is aiming to provide revised estimates week beginning 16th November and therefafter these will be issued to the remaining owners as soon as possible.
Unfortunately we do not have the resources to provide ongoing updates to owners on the ECM programme of when scaffolding will be erected on individual blocks but a general indication will be included at the time of estimates being issued."