"The road is approximately 6.5 m wide and the resident parking demand is high.
You are correct with regard to the disadvantages of one-way. The slow bend restricts forward visiblity but removing the risk of meeting on-coming traffic would certainly increase traffic speeds in relation to the restricted visibility - with dangerous consequences.
I have checked the accident database to assess present road safety issues. During the period from 1st January 2006 to 31st July 2009 there has been one damage only accident. There is no evidence of safety issues with the present traffic management.
Recessed on-street parking would greatly improve the through traffic movement but provision of this would be low priority within the current financial climate."
I have sent the feedback to the Chair and Secretary of the Community Spirit group, the residents' group for the Ancrum, Pentland and Cleghorn areas, and the matter will no doubt be discussed further at future meetings.