At the end of last month, I advised that a constituent in Tait's Lane had contacted me about an anomaly in terms of the provision of cable TV in the area. Click on headline above or go to http://tinyurl.com/taitslane to view the earlier story.
Her block of flats - pictured above - unlike others in the lane - cannot receive Virgin Media services and I contacted Virgin about this. The company promised to look into the viability of extending services to the households currently without access to Virgin services in the lane and yesterday, along with two residents, I met with two Virgin Media representatives in Tait's Lane to discuss the matter further.
Unfortunately, due to the need to cable from Hawkhill to the south along the lane digging up the roadway, Virgin Media is of the view that at present extending the service to the flats concerned would not be commercially viable although the company did promise to review this in the future.

Meantime, I have contacted Fibrecity, currently installing a city wide fibre optic network through the sewer system, to see if it will be possible to provide cable television services through the Fibrecity network for those Tait's Lane residents who cannot receive Virgin TV services at present.