Further to my article from earlier this week about tackling the growing problem of graffiti vandalism in the West End (click on headline to view or go to http://tinyurl.com/graffitiupdate), a meeting of the informal group set up by the West End Local Community Planning Partnership met tonight and I had the pleasure of chairing what was a very productive hour and a half.
Along with representatives from City Council Waste Management and Leisure and Communities Departments and Tayside Police, it was good that a number of West End residents also attended.
In addition to updates on inter-agency co-operation and taking a proactive approach to tackling graffiti, we agreed to undertake community action initiatives to clean up the most visible graffiti mess in the area.
We are meeting again shortly and are working with other local organisations on tackling graffiti in the area. We were also pleased to hear from the City Council's Cleansing Services Manager that the short-life working group established to look at the city-wide graffiti issues has now met and is looking at matters like ensuring utilities take a more proactive approach to tackling graffiti.
Lastly for tonight, on a different but related matte
r, at my request (following residents' complaints) the City Council is taking action over illegal flyposting on lots of utilities boxes, phone boxes and other structures in a large area around Perth Road. See the photos below and right. What an irresponsible mess; it has appeared all over the place. If you are going to fly-post at least have the brains not to advertise your meeting at a public venue. Tracking down the culprits will not be difficult for the City Council and those responsible for all this fly-posting will be made to clean it off.