Today at Prime Minister's Question Time I challenged Gordon Brown over Labour's record on the environment.
Labour's time in office has seen rising carbon emissions, plans agreed for a third run way at Heathrow, more dirty coal-fired power stations and more nuclear energy plants.
This is the shameful record which the Prime Minister will be taking to the major international climate change summit at Copenhagen at the beginning of December.
This afternoon, I met with the heads of the leading climate change campaign groups in Britain to talk about what to expect from the Copenhagen summit. I told them about the distinctive Liberal Democrat policies to tackle climate change in Britain like signing up to the 10:10 campaign, and all developed nations slashing carbon emissions by 40% by 2020.
In the run up to the Copenhagen Summit I will be asking the whole of our Party to spread the word about our radical green agenda. I want everybody who cares about our environment to be left in no doubt that ours is the only mainstream party in Britain that will do what it takes to protect the future of our planet.
You can keep in touch with the campaigns we are fighting on the environment on my website, www.NickClegg.com. There will soon be more news there about the meeting I had today with leading climate change campaigners. You can also learn about our call last week for the Government to sign up to the 10:10 campaign in Parliament, or the One Planet campaign we launched in the Spring.
Best wishes,
Nick Clegg
Leader of the Liberal Democrats