Back in July, I updated www.dundeewestend.com (see http://tinyurl.com/cleghorn or click on the headline above) - and the Community Spirit residents' group - of changes to the bin collection arrangements in parts of the Cleghorn Street area. This initially consisted of a move away from traditional small bins in some parts of Pitfour Street, City Road, Rosebery Street and Benvie Road and their replacement by wheelie bins - and it was intended to introduce communal 'eurobin' style containers thereafter at other properties in the area, where a wheelie bin collection was not practical.
I am now advised that, with effect from a week on Monday (19th October), communal eurobins will be provided at the following locations :
Pitfour Street - 1 - 23 (odd), 22 - 60 (even)
Benvie Road - 26
Rosebery Street - 21 - 29 (odd)
Benvie Road - 26
Rosebery Street - 21 - 29 (odd)
Letters have recently been issued to residents affected advising them of the new arrangements. The transfer to the new communal bins, which are being introduced on a two month trial basis, should help tackle the long-standing problems of burst bags and strewn litter, and the City Council is helpfully undertaking removal of any rubbish lying in back areas of the properties affected at the time the new collection system comes into effect.