I have today said that, given media reports today about schools to be included in the Scottish Government’s capital improvements, it is vital that there is immediate clarity from Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning over government plans - and assurance that Harris Academy will be included in the funding.
I have made this call following media reports that Scottish Government was including in the capital improvements programme Ellon Academy, in the First Minister's Gordon constituency, Mearns Academy (also in Aberdeenshire), Lasswade Academy in Midlothian, Eastwood Academy in East Renfrewshire and another in Ayrshire. (See : http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/latestnews/SNP--unveils-school-rebuilding.5682003.jp or click on headline above).
Harris Academy has an overwhelming case for capital funding from government and it is very important, given the “drip feed” of news over the weekend about schools that Scottish Government intends to fund improvements at, that the Education Cabinet Secretary swiftly clarifies the position regarding all schools to be included.
The whole process of decision making and announcements regarding funding via the Scottish Futures Trust lacks transparency. With the former PPP arrangements, local authorities could decide their priorities for investment in an open and democratic manner at council committee. The SFT arrangements are clouded in secrecy and it is very concerning that part of the announcement is “drip fed” through the media.
Earlier this summer, in responding to my correspondence to government calling for the refurbishment of Harris Academy, Fiona Hyslop gave me an assurance that an announcement would be made about secondary schools during September. As September draws to a close, it is vital that Fiona Hyslop clarifies the full list of schools to be included.
I have made this call following media reports that Scottish Government was including in the capital improvements programme Ellon Academy, in the First Minister's Gordon constituency, Mearns Academy (also in Aberdeenshire), Lasswade Academy in Midlothian, Eastwood Academy in East Renfrewshire and another in Ayrshire. (See : http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/latestnews/SNP--unveils-school-rebuilding.5682003.jp or click on headline above).
Harris Academy has an overwhelming case for capital funding from government and it is very important, given the “drip feed” of news over the weekend about schools that Scottish Government intends to fund improvements at, that the Education Cabinet Secretary swiftly clarifies the position regarding all schools to be included.
The whole process of decision making and announcements regarding funding via the Scottish Futures Trust lacks transparency. With the former PPP arrangements, local authorities could decide their priorities for investment in an open and democratic manner at council committee. The SFT arrangements are clouded in secrecy and it is very concerning that part of the announcement is “drip fed” through the media.
Earlier this summer, in responding to my correspondence to government calling for the refurbishment of Harris Academy, Fiona Hyslop gave me an assurance that an announcement would be made about secondary schools during September. As September draws to a close, it is vital that Fiona Hyslop clarifies the full list of schools to be included.