My previous update on feedback I received from the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning can be viewed by clicking on the headline above and today's news release is below :
West End Councillor hopes for prompt decision on Harris Funding Bid
Dundee Liberal Democrat Councillor for the West End, Cllr Fraser Macpherson, today said he hoped that any decision from Scottish Government on the possible inclusion of Harris Academy in the tranche of announcements on secondary school capital improvements through the Scottish Futures Trust would take place in the very near future.
Cllr Macpherson said that in July he had received written confirmation from Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, that the first tranche of announcements – relative to secondary school improvements – would take place in September and he was extremely anxious that Scottish Government sticks to its timetable and makes the announcement as a matter of urgency.
Ms Hyslop, in a letter responding to a request by Councillor Macpherson for clarification as to the criteria Scottish Government intends using in prioritising further capital funding, said,
“Decisions will be taken on the basis of the best data information and intelligence available about the scale, nature and distribution of needs across Scotland. This includes the school estate Core Facts data, already submitted by authorities three times since 2004; a similar succession of school estate management plans; and information from bilateral discussions with, visits to, and representations from authorities, all of which have helped build up a national picture of where the scale and urgency of the need for replacement schools are greatest.”
Cllr Macpherson said, “I have no doubt that the data about school condition will serve to show Scottish Government that there is an undeniable case for including Harris Academy in the first tranche of Scottish Futures Trust secondary school projects. Harris Academy is crying out for buildings improvement and the fact that the City Council has already carried out a feasibility study gives a clear way forward as to how refurbishment can be achieved.”
Cllr Macpherson added that it was vital that, should Harris Academy be included in the first tranche of Scottish Futures Trust secondary schools funding, the City Council revisited its own capital programme as the Council would be required to make a contribution, estimated at around £5 million, towards costs.
Cllr Macpherson concluded, “I think its is vital that Harris gets priority in the Scottish Government’s forthcoming announcement relative to secondary school improvements and I hope that Scottish Government recognises Harris’s case.”
Cllr Macpherson said that in July he had received written confirmation from Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, that the first tranche of announcements – relative to secondary school improvements – would take place in September and he was extremely anxious that Scottish Government sticks to its timetable and makes the announcement as a matter of urgency.
Ms Hyslop, in a letter responding to a request by Councillor Macpherson for clarification as to the criteria Scottish Government intends using in prioritising further capital funding, said,
“Decisions will be taken on the basis of the best data information and intelligence available about the scale, nature and distribution of needs across Scotland. This includes the school estate Core Facts data, already submitted by authorities three times since 2004; a similar succession of school estate management plans; and information from bilateral discussions with, visits to, and representations from authorities, all of which have helped build up a national picture of where the scale and urgency of the need for replacement schools are greatest.”
Cllr Macpherson said, “I have no doubt that the data about school condition will serve to show Scottish Government that there is an undeniable case for including Harris Academy in the first tranche of Scottish Futures Trust secondary school projects. Harris Academy is crying out for buildings improvement and the fact that the City Council has already carried out a feasibility study gives a clear way forward as to how refurbishment can be achieved.”
Cllr Macpherson added that it was vital that, should Harris Academy be included in the first tranche of Scottish Futures Trust secondary schools funding, the City Council revisited its own capital programme as the Council would be required to make a contribution, estimated at around £5 million, towards costs.
Cllr Macpherson concluded, “I think its is vital that Harris gets priority in the Scottish Government’s forthcoming announcement relative to secondary school improvements and I hope that Scottish Government recognises Harris’s case.”