Today I explained that I want to be Prime Minister because I want to change Britain for good. I want to live in a country where prejudice, insularity and fear are conquered by the great British traditions of tolerance, pluralism and justice.
That is the real change our country needs. And it is the real change that only our party can deliver. These are difficult times, but the blue-red, red-blue politics that got us in to this mess cannot get us out.
Today I made a direct appeal in my keynote Conference speech to those who have not supported us in the past, asking them to join us in bringing a fresh start for Britain. If you didn't see my speech, then you can read it by going to http://tinyurl.com/nick-clegg-today.
I have made it clear that I will not duck the difficult decisions now facing our country, but in these decisions I will always be led by our values as a party. That is how we will build a new, sustainable, economy, a fair society and clean up our politics.
With your continued help and support I know we can offer people a different, better, future.
Thank you.
Best wishes
Nick Clegg MP
Leader of the Liberal Democrats