OK, I didn't win! But it has been a rather good year, having been included in Total Politics' Top 50 Scottish Blogs, Top 75 LibDem Blogs and being top LibDem Blog in their Top 30 Councillor Blogs!
The competition for the Best Blog from a Liberal Democrat holding public office (The Tim Garden Award) was pretty fierce including Peter Black AM and my good friend Willie Rennie MP.
So very many congratulations go to Brian Robson – Lee Green Councillor - for his win! Brian has an excellent blog with interesting content and extremely professionally presented. See www.brianrobson.org.uk - we could all learn a bit from Brian!
And talking of blogs ... many of you who read Blogger blogs regularly will have noted that in the past 24 hours, blogs with a decent extent of content are loading awfully slowly. Just a reminder that I have my 'mirror site' at www.westendblog.org.uk - powered by WordPress, it always loads in just seconds!