At the time, the Head of Transportation at Dundee City Council advised me that :
"The 'Hannah's Highway' project has identified a route from Sinderins to Duncan of Jordanstone Buildings - these will have dropped kerbs allowing an accessible route along the north side of Perth Road.
The works are in final design stage and will be carried out during this Financial Year, programming of works are still to be agreed with Tayside Contracts."
I recently asked for an update on the programming of works - I am anxious to see progress here, particularly as I was very concerned to learn from a constituent yesterday about an accident she recently had on Perth Road in which she fell out of her mobility scooter. The provision of a barrier-free Perth Road on the north side to Sinderins is vital.
My constituent also pointed out the need to improve the dropped kerbs at the Pennycook Lane/Perth Road junction - they are too close to the junction and should be a little up the lane, away from vehicles swinging into the lane. Also, as they are not directly opposite one another, given the camber of the road, it makes if difficult for people in mobility scooters to negotiate the crossing safely. I have taken up the matter with Dundee City Council's Road Safety Officer.