* 'V and A at Dundee' - hopeful of progress : I understand that, next Monday, Mark Jones, Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum and Mike Russell MSP, Minister for Culture, External Affairs and the Constitution, will make an announcement relating to the ‘V and A at Dundee’ project.
A feasibility study conducted for the project steering group by Whetstone Group and Conran & Partners, launched in February 2009 at the"V and A at Dundee: Making it Happen" conference, concluded that 'V and A at Dundee' would have significant economic and cultural benefits for Dundee, Tayside and Scotland.
For the many of us in the city that can see the enormous advantages to Dundee - and its waterfront project in particular - of the "V and A at Dundee" proposal, I am hoping we will hear next Monday a specific commitment to proceed with the project and that Scottish Government is going to make all necessary funding available.
* In response to a letter about the former Homebase site, published in the Evening Telegraph earlier this week, I have a letter in tonight's edition - see http://tinyurl.com/homebaselttr.

* At lunchtime today, three of my fellow councillors and I had a briefing on progress being made by the Dundee Travel Active project, aiming to encourage residents of, or visitors to, Dundee to walk or cycle a little more to improve people's health and the environment. Its core target area includes much of the West End. You can read more about Dundee Travel Active by clicking on the headline above.