Having received complaints from residents over past months about litter left at lunchtimes in the Perth Road area, I have been in touch with both Harris Academy and the Waste Management Department about this. The school has been very proactive in following up complaints and has put staff resource in to tackle it. Being aware that this is not just an issue in the West End, I had asked the Waste Management Department what was being done from a strategic point of view, across the city.
The idea of the litter protocol will mean littering will be treated as anti-social behaviour. Anti-social advice letters issued to those littering, these being copied to the school and parent/guardian, with further action through the anti-social behaviour route where repeat offending takes place.
I am advised that the protocol will be launched as a pilot in the Morgan Academy area once the schools return later this month. As part of the pilot, Waste Management staff will meet Eco schools groups and teachers and also giving a presentation to all pupils. There will also be visits to all food outlets in the area to encourage them to :
1. Reduce the amount of packaging they give out
2. Take a more active role in cleaning up outside their shops
3. Report offenders
A procative approach on the litter issue is to be welcomed and I have requested that the department keeps me updated as to the success and impact of the pilot of the protocol on littering.