It is absolutely vital that the recommendations from today's reports are acted upon swiftly and in full. At this morning's briefing meeting, I sought assurances that there is adequate risk assessment to prevent harm to children. What happened to Brandon Muir was a tragedy and it is vital that all agencies promptly address the issues highlighted by Jimmy Hawthorn and Professor Wilson in their reports.
Child protection concerns are a Scotland wide issue. The Scottish Government must look again at all existing child protection cases across the country in light of this report.
Scottish Liberal Democrat Leader Tavish Scott said, after receiving the reports today :
" ... this case isn’t just about Dundee. The Scottish Government needs to improve the way it looks after vulnerable children right across the country.
"Thousands of children live with drug addicted parents and could be at risk. Back in March I asked the First Minister if he would review this.
"Alex Salmond refused to say if any of these cases were under review. But we need to know that the Government has identified all these vulnerable youngsters. We now need a categorical assurance from the First Minister that his Government is looking again at existing child protection cases in light of this report."