The report is unanimous. It is a remarkable achievement.
When it was established many commentators said that nothing would come of it - that no agreement was possible with such a broad range of participants. They have been proved wrong.
Liberal Democrats were right to press for the formation of the Calman Commission and to provide the radical impetus to its work. Without Liberal Democrats, the work of the Steel Commission and the personal drive of Calman Commission members Jim Wallace and Audrey Findlay, Scotland would not have been presented with such a radical vision of change.
When the Calman Commission was founded the SNP and the Scottish Government said that it would not get anywhere and would not propose radical change. But it has.
The opportunity and the appetite for stronger devolution, with more powers for the Scottish Parliament, is with us.
The challenge now for Labour and the Conservatives is to embrace the proposals for radical change contained within Calman. We need to see a commitment from them to create legislative time at Westminster to make the changes to the Scotland Act.
The changes require legislation and rule changes at Westminster and Holyrood. The Scottish Government should give its political support and release the practical expertise of their civil servants to help. They have the opportunity to help make change happen. Now is the moment for those in the Scottish Government who want to see more powers for the Scottish Parliament to be part of these plans that give more powers.
The proposals from Calman can be reached by clicking on the headline above.
You will see that Income Tax affecting 2.5 million people and a new borrowing ability for the Scottish Parliament are big issues along with more powers over matters such as air guns and road traffic offences.
Calman makes clear that this is not the end of the journey. The report makes it plain that it is a direction of travel and, once the initial changes have been achieved, there will be scope to go further.
This is good news for the Liberal Democrats. We have advocated the strongest possible Scottish Parliament – a true Home Rule settlement. We have everything to gain from making a success of the radical changes proposed by Calman and using them as a base for further powers in the future.
The other parties have accepted my proposals for a steering group to deliver the changes. I will keep up the pressure on them - and the SNP - to work together to deliver more powers. The challenge now is to make this blueprint a reality.
Best wishes,
Tavish Scott MSP
Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats