Many people across Scotland are using the elections on 4th June to send the Labour and SNP governments a message that their handling of the economy is not good enough.
Only the Scottish Liberal Democrats are offering a stronger team for Scotland, real change for Scotland in Europe, wanting to work alongside other countries to boost trade, creating new jobs as well as getting stronger action on international crime and climate change.
We need to be positive about what Scotland and Britain can achieve by working with other countries.
3 reasons to back the Scottish Liberal Democrats on 4th June:
· George Lyon and the strong Scottish team have a record of action and will keep up this good work when elected as our MEP.
· Liberal Democrat MEPs will fight hard for you, to secure action on international crime, creating new jobs and on climate change.
· A vote for the Scottish Liberal Democrats will send a strong message to Gordon Brown and the Labour Party that enough is enough, it's time for change.
The photo above is George Lyon and myself; he's running a great campaign and will stand up for Scotland in Europe.