Fraser has been LibDem Councillor for the West End on Dundee City Council since 2001 and has topped the poll in all of the six council elections he has contested. Michael was elected to also represent the West End from May 2022 and is a hard-working addition to the West End LibDem team.
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
West End Surgeries

Monday, 29 June 2009
Congratulations to St Joseph's Primary School

Sunday, 28 June 2009
Mail deliveries in the West End

I have received numerous complaints from constituents from different parts of the West End and am aware that the complaints are also coming from other parts of the city too. There have also been a lot of concerns about real difficulty getting through to the Dundee West Sorting Office by phone.
I therefore approached the Dundee West Sorting Office Manager who has agreed to a face-to-face meeting to discuss the complaints on Friday of this week.
Many thanks to Helen & Murray for looking after Bunty (our puppy; we've not been away from her before but she has had a great time - tired puppy ... zzzzzzz!)
Of course, the drawback of being away is the large list of phone and e-mails messages to follow up on return!
Anyway, here's a couple on photos taken on my phone from our room at the Hydro ...
Michael Jackson : Rock With You
In all the sadness of the death of Michael Jackson, there's been loads and loads about the best of his hits. The consensus is that the "Thriller" album was ultimate Jackson, but for me,"Off the Wall" in 1979 was Michael Jackson at his best, and best of all - 'Rock With You'
Friday, 26 June 2009
Scottish Liberal Democrats on Twitter!
Thursday, 25 June 2009
TV issues - surgeries well attended yesterday
I am indebted to Alan Cowie, the former Grampian TV presenter - who spoke at the meetings. Alan is assisting Digital UK’s effort to liaise with people to ensure that their TV and digital questions are addressed and answered. He is excellent at covering the issues and engaging with the audience. Many elderly people in particular had questions about how they ensure they continue to receive television reception after the switchover and it was appropriate to hold these meetings at sheltered housing lounges in the area.
As a result of the meetings today, I have taken up some individuals’ TV reception complaints and am - as always - pleased to assist any other West End residents with them.

Above : Alan speaking to Pennycook Court residentsAbove : Morven Terrace Sheltered Housing meeting
Above : The meeting at Blackness Court
Above : The doggie audience!
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Significant concerns over child protection report

Dundee City Council Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Cllr Fraser Macpherson, today said that he was very concerned by the conclusions of the HMIE report on child protection services in Dundee.
Cllr Macpherson said, “The report’s conclusions are of significant concern, highlighting ‘major weaknesses in the identification of children who needed protection.’ Eight indicators showing that child protection services are weak and one unsatisfactory indicator is without any shadow of a doubt requires immediate improvement.
“A cross-party meeting of councillors to meet with the inspectors has already been agreed. The inspectors’ report is to be considered by a Council Committee on 1st July. It is vital that immediate action is taken to improve services and an action plan agreed to allow this to be achieved as soon as possible.
“The Council Leader has already been asked by opposition councillors to arrange a meeting of City Council Group Leaders with Adam Ingram, the Children and Early Years Minister. I agree with the Minister that the findings of the inspection show child protection services in Dundee are ‘simply not good enough’ but we urgently need to hear from Mr Ingram how Scottish Government is to help in real and practical terms.
“Scottish Government has a role to play here, particularly in providing additional resources. Service improvements will undoubtedly require increased resources over and above the additional £1.3 million the City Council has earmarked for 2009/10 and we need assurances from government that it will fund any additional services and resources needed to ensure that the action plan the City Council will hopefully swiftly approve can be fully implemented.”
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Road works in the West End next week

- Cleghorn Street (between Benvie Road and Lochee Road) - due to Scottish Water maintenance works
- Seafield Road (from Number 54 to the Roseangle junction) - due to electricity cable laying works
Further details can be provided by the City Council - phone 433168.
Monday, 22 June 2009
New Commons Speaker Tory MP John Bercow
Rather pleased at the result, if only to see the glum looks amongst Tory MPs! Don't quite understand why Bercow was ever selected as a Tory candidate, but there you go ...
I'd have voted for Ann Widdecombe - don't normally agree with a word she says, but she is forthright and honest and genuinely connects with the public.
Anyway, the good news - Michael Martin has gone!
Meetings about television issues

The meetings will allow local residents to raise complaints and concerns about TV reception and on the issue of the digital switchover with John MacNeil, Digital UK’s Assistant National Manager for Scotland. Many elderly people in particular have questions about how they ensure to continue to receive television reception after the switchover and it seems highly appropriate to hold these meetings at sheltered housing lounges.
I am grateful to Digital UK for taking part in the local meetings this week. Their expertise will help residents with any TV reception and digital switchover issues they wish to raise. Digital UK are the experts regarding the digital switch-over and will be there to provide advice to any resident with questions about the impending changes and help that is available.
There have been many TV reception issues raised with me recently and I felt it would be helpful to allow residents in the West End to speak with the experts directly.
The meetings take place this Wednesday (24th June) at the following locations:
10.15am Morven Terrace Sheltered Lounge
11.00am Pennycook Court Sheltered Lounge
11.45am Blackness Court Sheltered Lounge
12.30pm Paton's Lane Sheltered Lounge
1.15pm Tullideph Sheltered Lounge
2.00pm Corso Street Sheltered Lounge
Sunday, 21 June 2009
River Crescent Residents' Association AGM

- Airport Noise Issues
- Speed limits
- Potholes tackled
- The bridge condition on Riverside Drive
- WestFest 2010 - the proposed West End Festival
- Digital TV
- Postal delivery concerns
- Proposed Riverside Nature Park
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Concern about Tay AM
Last year I met with Bauer Radio/Radio Tay following concerns about the Tay FM evening output (see http://tinyurl.com/radiotay). There has recently been more concern about the decision by Bauer to amalgamate much of the AM programming of its Scottish stations (as Bauer put it “in light of the continuing economic climate, we are looking to reshape some of our local teams") but the loss of much local programming is very disappointing.
Radio Tay has become part and parcel of our community since 1980. I still remember listening to Tay on its opening morning -while getting ready for school! The YouTube clip above brings back happy memories.
I therefore feel real sadness at the loss of presenters like Ward McGaughrin, Terry Cumming, Jenny Farrish and Murray McGregor. I'm pleased that Dave Price has been snapped up by Wave 102.
I concur with the comments by Jamie McIvor of the BBC who writes :
"Only time will tell if the changes to Bauer's medium wave stations will be successful.
But their transformation into a Scottish network in all but name marks the end of a chapter in the history of Scottish radio."
Friday, 19 June 2009
SNP failure on schools building programme
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Tavish Scott attacked Alex Salmond over massive delays to the school building programme at this week’s FMQs. After two years of delay, the First Minister was still unable to say which schools are in line to receive funding for vital upgrades.
“The Government has wasted two years failing to get the Scottish Futures Trust to work – two years of blind alleys, garden paths and dead ends.
“The announcement yesterday could have been made two years ago. Instead we had paralysis from the SNP.
“After two years of delay the First Minister should have been able to answer the basic questions about which schools are in the programme.
“In eight weeks time, 180 children will start their first day at secondary school at Inverurie Academy . But the First Minister, their MSP, was unable to say whether any of those children will have a new school built for them in Inverurie before they sit their Highers.”
Commenting after the Education Secretary was forced to admit following questioning by Liberal Democrat MSPs that the SNP will delay the school buildings programme for almost a decade, Liberal Democrat Education spokesperson Margaret Smith MSP said:
“We have dragged the Education Secretary’s cat out of the bag. The SNP is forcing most councils to delay building new schools for up to a decade.
“The money starts to dribble down to councils next year and the final payments won’t arrive until 2018.
“The SNP is rushing to get some token bricks built by polling day. There would have been less of a rush if there had not been the two year Hyslop-gap and paralysis in planning.
“Most of the pupils studying in crumbling buildings will have left school and could have children of their own before these new schools are built. Thanks to the SNP’s mind-boggling delay, an entire generation of schoolchildren have been let down.”
Thursday, 18 June 2009
New schools - real or a myth?

Following yesterday’s announcement by Scottish Government over schools funding, Dundee City Council LibDem Group Leader, Cllr Fraser Macpherson, has written to the City Council’s top finance officers seeking clarification as to if and how quickly Dundee can benefit from any further capital funding to undertake further improvements to Dundee’s schools estate.
Writing to the Council’s Depute Chief Executive (Finance) and Head of Finance, Cllr Macpherson asks, “Is there any indication of the method by which Scottish Government will choose the schools to be included, a bidding process and criteria and if level playing field or similar support is to be offered?”
Cllr Macpherson said there was significant concern that it had taken the SNP government two years to get this far with the Scottish Futures Trust which has thus far funded nothing, and he was very critical of the delays that had held up capital building projects. He said, “It is now vital that we finally get some clarity as to the detailed working arrangements for the Scottish Futures Trust, the extent to which Dundee will benefit from further capital investment and which schools can be improved and how quickly.
“There has been far too much delay and we need to see clarity and action from government as soon as possible,” he concluded.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
West End Festival 2010 - first public meeting

Many good ideas for the proposed 2010 festival came forward and a committee was elected. You can follow updates at http://www.dundeewestfest.com.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Tavish Scott on the Calman Commission

The report is unanimous. It is a remarkable achievement.
When it was established many commentators said that nothing would come of it - that no agreement was possible with such a broad range of participants. They have been proved wrong.
Liberal Democrats were right to press for the formation of the Calman Commission and to provide the radical impetus to its work. Without Liberal Democrats, the work of the Steel Commission and the personal drive of Calman Commission members Jim Wallace and Audrey Findlay, Scotland would not have been presented with such a radical vision of change.
When the Calman Commission was founded the SNP and the Scottish Government said that it would not get anywhere and would not propose radical change. But it has.
The opportunity and the appetite for stronger devolution, with more powers for the Scottish Parliament, is with us.
The challenge now for Labour and the Conservatives is to embrace the proposals for radical change contained within Calman. We need to see a commitment from them to create legislative time at Westminster to make the changes to the Scotland Act.
The changes require legislation and rule changes at Westminster and Holyrood. The Scottish Government should give its political support and release the practical expertise of their civil servants to help. They have the opportunity to help make change happen. Now is the moment for those in the Scottish Government who want to see more powers for the Scottish Parliament to be part of these plans that give more powers.
The proposals from Calman can be reached by clicking on the headline above.
You will see that Income Tax affecting 2.5 million people and a new borrowing ability for the Scottish Parliament are big issues along with more powers over matters such as air guns and road traffic offences.
Calman makes clear that this is not the end of the journey. The report makes it plain that it is a direction of travel and, once the initial changes have been achieved, there will be scope to go further.
This is good news for the Liberal Democrats. We have advocated the strongest possible Scottish Parliament – a true Home Rule settlement. We have everything to gain from making a success of the radical changes proposed by Calman and using them as a base for further powers in the future.
The other parties have accepted my proposals for a steering group to deliver the changes. I will keep up the pressure on them - and the SNP - to work together to deliver more powers. The challenge now is to make this blueprint a reality.
Best wishes,
Tavish Scott MSP
Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats
Monday, 15 June 2009
Postal deliveries - meeting sought

I have continued to receive many complaints from constituents about mail delivery delays and inconsistent service.
When I was last speaking with Royal Mail’s public relations department, I received assurances that whilst there had been some build up of mailsort deliveries – mainly advertising mailshots - the problems were being tackled and that constituents should be experiencing a normal mail service. However, since then, I have continued to receive a steady stream of complaints about mail deliveries from residents in various parts of the West End. I am also aware of similar concerns in other parts of the city.
I have therefore spoken with the Royal Mail’s Dundee West Sorting Office Manager requesting a visit to the sorting office and a meeting with Royal Mail management to discuss the issue. The manager has confirmed that she will be back in touch with me regarding possible dates and times for such a visit this week.
It is very clear to me that there are delivery issues that Royal Mail management have to tackle and I therefore think it important that I discuss my constituents’ concerns with them as soon as possible.
The Lady Provost

Sunday, 14 June 2009
Fun Day success!

Saturday, 13 June 2009
Fun Day - and Festival 2010
Next year, we hope to have a full Festival for the West End :
Would you be interested in seeing a summer festival in the West E

Would you be interested in taking part in a festival?
Would you be interested in helping to organise a Festival?
Meeting details are:
The Memorial Hall
Logie St John's (Cross) Church
Shaftesbury Terrace
on Wednesday 17th June 2009 at 7pm
website: www.dundeewestfest.com
email: westendfestival@rocketmail.com
There is more information on the website. If you are interested in being involved but can't make the meeting please contact the festival group directly at the email address above.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Overgrown weeds and grass concerns in the West End

I have had numerous complaints from West End constituents about overgrown weeds on pavements and roadways and badly overgrown grass on verges and roundabouts in numerous locations in the West End. As a result, I contacted both the City Engineer and the Director of Dundee Contract Services about the concerns.
The Director of Dundee Contract Services has responded as follows:
“The grass cutting of areas of central reserve etc with the daffodil panels is to commence on Monday 15 June. Weather permitting, this will take around two weeks to complete across the city. This is about the normal start time for this work but the combination of rain and heat experienced in May has led to vigorous grass growth of late, perhaps making the situation appear worse than normal.”
The City Engineer has confirmed that the West End and Ninewells and Menzieshill was scheduled to be started this week (commencing 8/06/09) for weed killing.
Last year, there had been numerous complaints about the weedkilling effectiveness and it is important that this is fully tackled this year. The City Engineer has assured me that the strongest permitted weedkiller will be used this year and weedkilling and street sweeping of channels will be coordinated so that they occur at appropriate discrete times.
I am keeping a very close eye on this, in response to residents’ concerns.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
New evidence of public support for local television

Dr Dave Rushton of the Institute of Local Television (on behalf the Scottish Local TV Federation) has recently drawn to my attention the findings of two public surveys conducted in the Spring indicating the character and extent of interest in receiving local TV from Scotland. The surveys - one in the south of Scotland, the other Scotland-wide - show strong support from the public for local TV, which is extremely heartening and it is to be hoped that both government and Ofcom react positively to that demand.
Victoria Park upgrade - thanks to Jericho House

Wednesday, 10 June 2009
West End postal deliveries

Tuesday, 9 June 2009
West End Community Council - June Update
* Bulky Uplifts
* Wheelie Bins
* Graffiti
* Potholes
* Bus services
* Blackness Road at West Park Road/Kelso Steps
* Unadopted Footways Programme
The Community Council meets tonight at Logie St John's (Cross) Church Hall at 7pm.
Monday, 8 June 2009
From Tavish Scott MSP, Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats

I am particularly pleased that we were able to win whilst remaining true to our party’s important principle that we are “stronger together and poorer apart” when it comes to the European Union. Our campaign showed the practical action that can make our country safer from international crime, more effective against climate change and stronger is the face of the global economic challenge.
My thanks go to everyone for their hard work for this campaign. Our margin of victory was not huge, so every hour spent on the campaign trail made a difference.
A lesson that we should take away is that our campaigning is “stronger together”. All of our candidates, MPs, MSPs and councillors need to be strongly and actively committed to each other’s election campaigns. Not only does it add real depth to our work but it helps all of our elected representatives to stay in touch with the electorate in their constituencies. Liberal Democrats at every level of government can’t afford to sit in our offices. We need to be active, out and about in our communities, speaking to voters and listening to their voices not just every four years for their own elections.
I should also remark that the other parties did not live up to their own expectations. The SNP did not gain the extra seat they had convinced the media they were on course for, their vote share was lower indeed than they achieved in 1994. And last Thursday you may have seen that they lost two of their council seats in by elections – to Labour of all people. The Conservatives did much less well that they told everybody they would do, got a lower share of the vote than in 2004 and have one fewer MEP in Scotland than they had before. The Greens published an opinion poll last Wednesday predicting they would win 18% of the vote. They were out by a factor of nearly three. And Labour? Well we have all seen the remarkable destruction and self-destruction wrought on that Party. The call for a General Election can surely only get louder. Our Party in Scotland is up to the challenge of gaining seats from Labour whenever it comes.
So, a big “thank you” for all the work. I look forward to George being a colossal asset to our Party and Scotland over the next five years.
Tavish Scott MSP
Sunday, 7 June 2009
West End Fun Day!

The Fun Day is a joint venture between the Friends and West End Community Council. There's a whole host of events taking place at the Fun Day - various community group and information stands, children's competitions, a five-a-side football competition for local Primary Schools, Beat the Goalie, Dundee Instrumental Band, Dundee Rep's Loadsaweeminsingin and Canine Partners to name a few.
Click on the headline above to read about the Fun Day on the Friends of Magdalen Green website.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
English Local Elections - and the European Election

So - off to the European Election count at the Caird Hall tomorrow night!
Friday, 5 June 2009
People and Parliament: Jo Swinson MP's response
A very informative response by Liberal Democrat MP Jo Swinson's via YouTube to the House of Lords Information Committee's People and Parliament Inquiry. Jo in particular talks about how Parliament make use of online tools to reach out and consult communities across the UK.
Former Homebase site and the railway station

McManus Collections

The relocation of these Collections to this facility will give more space to the main McManus Galleries and Museum in Albert Square for improved exhibition and visitor facilities when the main galleries and museum reopens.
I recently had a walk-past the Albert Square site with the City Council’s Director of Leisure & Communities and it is clear that good progress is being made with its refurbishment.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Today's European Election
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
European Election : Stronger together for Scotland

Many people across Scotland are using the elections on 4th June to send the Labour and SNP governments a message that their handling of the economy is not good enough.
Only the Scottish Liberal Democrats are offering a stronger team for Scotland, real change for Scotland in Europe, wanting to work alongside other countries to boost trade, creating new jobs as well as getting stronger action on international crime and climate change.
3 reasons to back the Scottish Liberal Democrats on 4th June:
· George Lyon and the strong Scottish team have a record of action and will keep up this good work when elected as our MEP.
· Liberal Democrat MEPs will fight hard for you, to secure action on international crime, creating new jobs and on climate change.
· A vote for the Scottish Liberal Democrats will send a strong message to Gordon Brown and the Labour Party that enough is enough, it's time for change.
Logie Residents' Association
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
New safer speed limit

The westmost part of Perth Road – west of the Invercarse Hotel – plus a short section of Riverside Drive adjacent to the Botanic Garden and a stretch of Ninewells Avenue – has had a 40mph speed limit for over 40 years and residents have pointed out that this was inappropriate as all the adjacent residential streets have a 30mph limit. The newly introduced limit is now 30mph, in keeping with the rest of the residential area.
There seems no doubt that the previous 40mph speed limit was an anomoly, going back to the time when this section of Perth Road was part the main route out of the City Centre to Perth, before Riverside Avenue was built.
There was absolutely no logic to having the speed limit on Perth Road west of the Invercarse Hotel a different limit to that east of the hotel.
Following a public consultation exercise which resulted in no objections to the speed limit reduction to 30mph, the new limit has now been introduced.
Signage indicating the new limit has been put in place to advise drivers.
Monday, 1 June 2009
Litter on Magdalen Green
The Green was a fair mess, particularly on Saturday morning, and although the majority of people using the Green in the good weather were very responsible, unfortunately there’s a minority who appear not to care and left the green covered in litter. I think everyone likes to see Magdalen Green well used by people as it’s a lovely place to visit, but we would ask that all act responsibly and pick litter up behind them.
One resident contacted me to express his concern in the following terms :
I had recently asked the City Council’s Leisure and Communities Department for more litter bins – particularly at the south side of the Green – and bigger ones as I feel the current litter bins are too small to cope with the amount of litter.
The response from the Council on 14th May was that they said they were continuing to “monitor” the litter situation on the Green and, in response to the request for more litter bins, I was told ‘we are conscious that finance is still tight at the moment.’