I have been in discussions this week with Digital UK's Assistant National Manager for Scotland following a mass of complaints about the quality of TV reception and, as a result, the Digital UK representative has agreed to investigate the issues affecting any individual who is experiencing reception problems.
Digital UK's Assistant National Manager for Scotland has now said that where a resident gives me permission to pass on their contact details to him with detail of their reception problems, he is willing to look into their specific reception problems, which is I think is a helpful response.
He is also gathering details for me of impending work on the Angus transmitter in the run-up to the digital switch-over next year which will reduce the strength of the signal temporarily. It is important that there is good public information about this and I am pleased that Digital UK accepts this.
What is clear is that the digital signal is not at full strength at the moment as this would apparently interfere with the traditional analogue signals. I am assured that, after the old analogue service is switched off at the digital switchover, the digital signal strength will be increased permanently. That said, this does not happen until next year, so I am pleased that Digital UK is showing a willingness to look into residents’ complaints now.
If you wish a specific problem passed on to Digital UK, you can do so by calling me on 459378 or e-mailing tvproblems@frasermacpherson.org.uk.