The SNP Government's Budget is only one per cent different in the choices it makes from the figures published in the Spending Review of October 2007.
That was well before what Finance Secretary John Swinney has described as an "economic storm" engulfed Scotland. A variation of one per cent forms the weakest response of any Western European Government, national or devolved, to the economic difficulties we face in 2009.
We believe that the economic downturn, unprecedented since the Scottish Parliament was established, requires a distinct Scottish approach. To address the collapse of consumer confidence and the real hardship being faced we argued for a two pence reduction in income tax.
This would have put £330 in the pockets of every typical low and medium earner in Scotland. It would have been a real help to struggling families and individuals when they need it most.
Vince Cable has put forward proposals at a UK level to bring Income Tax down to the lowest levels of modern times. He was also the first person to call for dramatic reductions in interest rates to be part of the radical action needed to stave off the worst effects of recession. He was prepared to say that Labour's VAT reduction was simply not going to work to restore consumer and business confidence. That has turned out to be the case.
Nick Clegg argues in the Scotsman today that Britain needs "big, permanent and fair tax cuts" to address the failure of Gordon Brown and the Labour Party to address social inequality in their ten years in power.
Liberal Democrats know that we need more support for our economy. Other choices the SNP have made over the last year are not helping. The SNP have slashed the budgets for Highland and Islands Enterprise, abolished Local Enterprise Companies, provided a real terms cuts in Universities' budgets for the first time since 1999. All this harms the ability for our economy to recover when the credit crunch begins to turn.
We are very concerned that the downturn in Scotland may be deeper and longer as a result of these actions and a business-as-usual budget.
The Conservatives' response has been extraordinarily weak. They call for more action from the Government outside the Chamber in local areas. But as far as the economy is concerned they are not just the "do nothing party" in Scotland, they are the "don't even try" party.
Over the next two weeks before the completion of the Budget process, we will be launching Liberal Democrat campaigns designed to support business and the economy. We will argue for support for our High Streets, support for jobs and support for small business. These are important campaign themes for us and Liberal Democrat MSPs look forward to working with our MPs and Councillors, who are doing excellent work in councils to support businesses.
It is the Liberal Democrats who are taking the strongest measures to support the economy.