The roundabout is significantly overgrown and I received concerns from residents that it is difficult for pedestrians crossing the Hawkhill by-pass to see on-coming traffic.
This is a busy area, with many pedestrians crossing, particularly students and staff going to the University of Dundee and it is important that there is good visibility.
The response received from the City Council said:
"I agree that some trimming of vegetation is required especially where visibility to the south west is indeed substandard for pedestrians."
The response also confirmed that the Council is investigating the provision of an additional pedestrian crossing to the east side of the roundabout, to be provided later in 2009.
The response continues :
"Early investigations favour placing a dual crossing to the east of the roundabout (downhill side) but at an appropriate distance from it - probably near the end of the splitter island. The detail design will be brought forward in February / March and details such as the exact location of a crossing in relation to the bus bay on the south side can then be investigated, together with more detailed cost estimates which can influence project delivery."
Residents will welcome an additional crossing at this part of the Hawkhill by-pass given the flow of pedestrians crossing in the area. I understand it is targeted to provide this by late Summer, but this will be subject to site investigations and confirmation.