For 2008-9, Housing Association Grant for Dundee was reduced to £7.7 million by the SNP. This represents the poorest level of allocation in years - the figures below from a parliamentary answer from the Minister for Communities and Sport shows the funding for Dundee under the previous LibDem and Labour administration :

What has been staggering has been the total silence of our SNP parliamentary representatives over the huge cut in funding to the city, caused by their own government. I think it should be incumbent upon them to explain their silence on the issue.
The SNP has announced and reannounced on numerous occasions a £25 million additional capital funding for councils to build new council houses. £25 million is hardly a fortune if spread right across Scotland and I understand it is to be targeted, but it would be good to actually see it actually being used as opposed to being talked about.
In April, the SNP website announced :
"Scottish local authorities will be given a £25m package to build new council houses over the next three years.
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon made the announcement as she addressed the SNP spring conference."
(Source : http://www.snp.org/node/13706)
Progress nine months on? In December, the First Minister was still rehashing the same announcement :
"Councils offered share of £25m housing pot
By Alex Salmond MP
Published: 02 December, 2008
LOCAL authorities in Scotland are being given the opportunity to apply for a share of £25 million to help kick start a new generation of council house building."
(Source : http://www.banffshire-journal.co.uk/news/fullstory.php/aid/3530/Councils_offered_share_of__A325m_housing_pot.html)
I think it is high time we saw all the Scottish Government spin about supporting affordable housing and helping the construction industry actually being delivered across Scotland - a good share of the £25 million fund coming to Dundee to offset the negative effects of the cut in housing association funding would be a start.