Apart from the Planning & Transport Committee I chair, there were a number of committee meetings that night. At the Education Committee, the SNP group came under fire for the failure of the Scottish Futures Trust to deliver capital projects (actually, anything really). Both the Education Convener and I reminded the SNP that Alex Salmond promised to match the previous administration's building programme "brick for brick" - I pointed out that the SNP Futures Trust has not actually delivered a single brick - Ministers are about to run out of new schools (the projects of the last administration) to open. We in Dundee are anxious to progress further new school projects but we need Scottish Government to get the act together.
On Tuesday morning, I chaired the TACTRAN (regional transport partnership) Board in Perth. This included a presentation by the Director of Network Rail. Later I attended a planning appeal site visit by the Scottish Government Reporter to Balgay Bowling Club. I previously successfully moved refusal of an application for a mobile phone mast here, given the adverse impact on residential amenity. On Tuesday evening, I attended an enjoyable and interesting West End Community Council meeting.
Yesterday was spent on "day job" activity in Edinburgh - at the Scottish Parliament and the Valuation Joint Board.
Today, dealt with numerous constituents' issues and appeared on STV "North Tonight" on the proposed A90 improvements around Dundee, as proposed by the Strategic Transport Project Review.