Thereafter, at 11am, the Lord Provost officially opened the West End Christmas Week, at the Community Safety Event at Blackness Fire Station - with input from numerous organisations including Tayside Fire and Rescue, Tayside Police, Trading Standards, West End Community Council, Community Spirit Action Group, Community Safety Partnership and others. A couple of photos from the event are below.

Don't forget - on Wednesday at 6.15pm in Dundee West Church, this year’s West End Christmas Concert – “Lights On at Dundee West” - takes place.
As well as musical contributions from all local primary and secondary schools, there will be a welcome to the Concert will come from Lord Provost John Letford and the Concert will be hosted by Rev Andrew Greaves.
Later, at 7pm, the West End Christmas Lights will be switched on at Seabraes by Ally Bally of Radio Tay, ably assisted by Dame Trott and Fairy Twinkletoes from the Downfield Musical Society Pantomime “Jack and the Beanstalk”. There will then be a super fireworks display and musical contributions from the Mains of Fintry Pipe Band and Christmas Carol singing from the DARE students’ choir.
All residents are very welcome and we look forward to seeing you there!