Whoever wins the US Presidential Election today - and it has to be said, I'll eat my hat if it is McCain - I think all should breathe a great big sigh of relief that the George W. Bush presidency is in its dying days.

"In years to come historians will likely judge the Bush presidency one of the worst in the history of the republic - an amalgam of arrogance, radicalism and folly so egregious it's almost laughable.
"Abandoning common sense in foreign affairs, weakening the rule of law, handing the nation's wealth over to the super-rich, and squandering the friendship and sympathy of the world in rigid pursuit of a chimerical dream of a world that cannot threaten us, the Bush presidency has betrayed the nation's deepest principles, both liberal and conservative. "
I couldn't agree more.
The final opinion polls look exceptionally good for Barack Obama - I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed for him today.