Firstly, the speed limit on Riverside drive between Tesco and the rail bridge (westbound only) will be reduced to 30mph during that period.
Secondly, there will be two road maneouvres temporarily prohibited during that time :
a) There will be no left (then right) from Riverside Approach into Riverside Drive (under the bridge canopy) in order to go west - drivers will have to drive eastbound to the Tesco roundabout and then head back westwards from the roundabout.
b) There will be no right turn from Riverside Drive (northbound under the bridge canopy) into Riverside Approach going northbound - drivers will have to drive to the Marmalade Pot roundabout then head back eastbound to access Riverside Approach.
Enquiries about this can be made to the City Council's Planning & Transportation Department on Dundee 433168.