Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Postwatch response

I have received the following response from Postwatch, the Post Office watchdog, following my complaint about Post Office Limited's handling of the Post Office closures - see below. It is extremely interesting to note that "Postwatch Scotland did advocate for a longer consultation period however the Government decided to proceed with a 6 week consultation."

Cllr Fraser Macpherson
Dundee City Council

4 August 2008

Dear Cllr Macpherson

Network Change Programme

Thank you for your email of 1 August 2008 to Professor Alexander. He has asked me to reply on his behalf.

I note your deep disappointment with Post Office Ltd's decision to go ahead with the closure of the four post offices in Dundee and also the length of the consultation period.

Postwatch Scotland did advocate for a longer consultation period however the Government decided to proceed with a 6 week consultation.

I understand your concerns about Post Office Ltd's decision to proceed with these closures.

I would like to assure you that, in line with our Government-prescribed role, Postwatch Scotland made every effort to ensure Post Office Ltd took into account local factors and communities' needs, and that the consultation process as stipulated by Government was followed.

Postwatch Scotland arrived at our final position through our own field work, scrutiny of relevant local factors such as demographics and transport arrangements, responses sent directly to us and those in the response summary produced for us by Post Office Ltd. You will note the concerns raised by Postwatch Scotland in our response to Post Office Ltd at the end of the consultation period which can be accessed on our website (www.postwatch.co.uk/regions/Scotland).

I should stress that the final decision to proceed with the closures is made by Post Office Ltd and Postwatch Scotland cannot veto this decision.

Further detail on their rational for going ahead with the closures is contained in their decision document, available on the 'current public consultations' webpage at www.postoffice.co.uk/networkchange.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to contact us and wish you success should you choose to proceed with a legal challenge.

If we can be of any assistance in the future please contact us again.

Yours sincerely,

Irene Mitchell
Postwatch Scotland Executive