... and an excellent reshuffle of parliamentary party already.
Fraser has been LibDem Councillor for the West End on Dundee City Council since 2001 and has topped the poll in all of the six council elections he has contested. Michael was elected to also represent the West End from May 2022 and is a hard-working addition to the West End LibDem team.
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Tavish Scott - a great start as the new Scottish LibDem leader
Another Top of the Blogs semi-triumph ...

Photos of events this weekend

Top 40 Scottish Blogs ...

SNP blogs should be coloured yellow!
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Seymour Street Update
Dundee City Council propose to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose of facilitating footpath improvement works. The Order is expected to be in force for three weeks from 8 September 2008. Its maximum duration in terms of the Act is eighteen months.
The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily all pedestrian traffic in Seymour Street from Shaftesbury Road to Perth Road.
This section of Seymour Street is only used by pedestrians therefore vehicular traffic is unaffected.
An alternative route will be available via Shaftesbury Road, Hyndford Street and Perth Road.
Please forward any comments you may have regarding this proposal to the Network Management Team, Planning and Transportation Department, Tayside House, Crichton Street, Dundee, no later than five working days prior to the commencement date.
If you have any queries please contact the City Council on 433168.
Angus & Dundee Roots Festival

Friday, 29 August 2008
Post Offices - latest news

The Council’s legal officers have concluded that the most likely way of forcing a re-think by Post Office Limited to their closure plans affecting Dundee Post Offices is to ask Postwatch, the Post Office Watchdog, if it would be prepared to request a suspension of the Nethergate Post Office closure pending a review of the consultation exercise and a fuller statement by Post Office Limited on the consultation process and why it appears it dismissed evidence brought forward by both myself and Dundee City Council about the potential for customer growth at this Post Office in the future.
Following my letter to the Prime Minister criticising the Labour Westminster Government's failure to protect our Post Offices, the Prime Minister’s Communications Unit has replied - the usual dire, bland, non-reply that is New Labour (or is that now Old New Labour ... err ... or New Old Labour ... whatever - it will lose the next election).
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Carpenters - Close to You
A shed load of e-mails today following my uploading the Carpenters 'Yesterday once more' - so here's another classic - 'Close to you'
Harry for Glenrothes!

Harry is a former Chief Executive of several Fife and Tayside companies and is a former Chamber of Commerce 'Business Man of the Year'. He had a key role in resurrecting the Chamber of Commerce in Dundee and Angus.
In Fife, the Scottish Liberal Democrats have two of the four MPs, Sir Menzies Campbell and Willie Rennie. Willie Rennie won his seat in the last Fife parliamentary by-election.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Carpenters - Yesterday Once More
Another classic (and totally irrelevant to everything else on this blog!!) - more at http://www.richardandkarencarpenter.com/memorial.htm
Weeds in West End tackled

I have had various discussions with the Director of Planning & Transportation and Dundee Contract Services about these concerns. There is little doubt that the weather has been unhelpful in ensuring the annual weeds spraying programme progresses on schedule, but I am pleased to advise that the Head of Dundee Contract Services has advised me that all West End streets have now been fully sprayed. It takes 10-14 days to see the full effects of this, but I will be keeping a close eye to ensure that the weeds problem in the West End is fully resolved.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
News release on the Local TV campaign ...
Fife and Tayside Local TV Working Group – a consortium developing local TV in Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth and Kinross has responded to a recent Ofcom consultation to allocate spectrum for local TV across Fife and Tayside as well as throughout Scotland.
Responding to Ofcom's consultation on the spectrum suitable for local television Cllr Fraser Macpherson, Planning & Transport Convener on Dundee City Council and supporter of the local TV initiative, said. "We are fortunate here in Scotland to have airwaves to spare and it is vital the UK regulator responds to public demands for local TV in Scotland to be made available for all.
"Digital switchover offers a once in a life-time opportunity for Scotland to have local television coverage. We expect Ofcom to ensure the allocation of these airwaves in the most efficient way and for local television to deliver local public purpose by involving local people in broadcasting in ways that bigger media has proved unable to do."
Cllr Macpherson continued “The Fife and Tayside Local TV Working Group is one of many representing all areas of Scotland and calls upon Ofcom to allocate Scotland’s spectrum to allow for a seventh multiplex of channels. This 'seventh mux' would be able to carry five additional channels suitable for local TV as well as support a new Scottish channel if this were required."
The spectrum identified by the UK regulator Ofcom is unique to Scotland and would allow local TV to reach 98% of the population.
Ofcom has been consulting on geographic interleaved spectrum as well as seventh multiplex spectrum, while the former would provide much lesser coverage of around 25-50%.
Digital UK's early response to Ofcom's consultation strongly suggests that spectrum planning for Digital Television Switchover in Scotland actually ended on 12th August – nine days before the consultation deadline invited local TV's response on 21st August.
Dave Rushton, Director on the Edinburgh based Institute of Local Television, added: "There are serious concerns the regulator has made commitment ahead of the consultation closing, decisions that would remove from Scotland five separate digital TV channels – channels that offer tremendous capacity for a variety of new services that can be made more relevant to Scottish audiences and local areas than many of the channels emanating from London."
Triumph for Tavish!

Tavish will be an excellent and forthright leader of the Liberal Democrats in Scotland. He will provide the sort of dynamic leadership the party members want to see and will be a robust opposition leader in the Scottish Parliament. A good decision by the party membership.
Monday, 25 August 2008
Local television for Dundee, Tayside & Fife - submission to Ofcom

“The Fife and Tayside Local TV Working Group (FT-TV) welcomes this further opportunity to comment on the proposed allocation of digital spectrum and reiterates previous requests that the Angus and Craigkelly transmitters are included in this process.
“We note that following previous lobbying all main transmitters in the UK are now offered with a frequency plan suitable for local TV use and the existence in Scotland of further transmission capacity through a 7th MUX.
“As you will see from our website information, also at www.tayscreen.com, the Fife and Tayside Local TV Working Group is an initiative being lead by Cllr Fraser Macpherson of Dundee City Council and consists of representatives from the production, business, media access, cultural and college/university sectors in the region. The group benefits from the advice of the Institute of Local TV. The activities of the group are being coordinated by FifeScreen & TayScreen Scotland, the screen agency for, and a partnership of, the Councils of Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth & Kinross, reporting to Economic Development in each case.
“ … we believe the local TV represents a significant opportunity to:
* get people involved in their communities
* support business opportunities and development (such as the production and tourism sectors) facilitate media access and political and social engagement
* promote and raise awareness of projects (regional, European, international)
* network content at regional, national and international levels
* for audience access via broadcast and broadband provision
* develop audience and market demand for content, culture, heritage and regional goods and services”
In my view FT-TV is making a great case for digital spectrum to be allocated for local TV across our region. I’ll wait for further developments with a keen interest.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
Ninewells Avenue again ...
I have now been advised by the Council that Tayside Contracts are to cut back the foliage that Roads Maintenance is responsible for to ensure the footpath is not obstructed.
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Seagulls problem : Task Force to be welcomed but more needs done

To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is planning changes to legislation in order to assist local authorities in tackling the problems caused by seagulls.
To ask the Scottish Executive what additional funding it will give to local authorities in order to assist them in tackling the problems caused by seagulls.
Friday, 22 August 2008
Blast from the past ...
Another rather irrelevant post! Greatest American Hero from the 1980s!
Flooding issues ...

A city council spokesman said: "The flooding experienced in Dundee city centre yesterday was the result of an extreme rainstorm coinciding with a high tide. This meant that the existing old Victorian sewer system was totally unable to cope with the sheer volume of rainwater caused by this flash flood.
"The worst affected part of the city was in the Dock Street area, but many other locations around Dundee experienced unusual flooding events due to the drains and sewers backing up.
"Responsibility for the sewage system in Dundee lies with Scottish Water, but Dundee City Council is very concerned about the impact of these ever more frequent flooding incidents on property and the road network.
"Dundee City Council is planning to install a completely new sewer system in Dundee Waterfront as part of the area's redevelopment. The project is seeking to design this system in a way which has enough capacity to resolve the flooding problems being experienced in Dock Street.
"In order to achieve this, the Council needs the cooperation of Scottish Water to design and implement a drainage system in the Waterfront which not only provides for its redevelopment, but also assists the flood affected areas in the city centre to the north. We have had dialogue with Scottish Water on this matter, but we need greater commitment from them if we are to grasp this opportunity to tackle the flooding problems in the centre of Dundee."
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Thursday updates …
* This morning the West End Councillors took part in a Logie walkabout with the Logie Residents’ Association and Housing Officers to document local issues (both Housing and other – footpaths, street signs, grounds maintenance,etc) – we got round the sheltered housing area (north side of Logie) and will do the “other half” (the south side of Logie) in the near future.
* This evening, the West End Local Community Planning Partnership met at Balgay Church – an extremely useful airing of West End issues.
* A number of calls and e-mails tonight about flooding – particularly in Riverside Drive and Roseangle. Very heavy rainfall today but it is clear that the road drain at the bottom of Roseangle doesn’t cope with even moderate rainfall. I have e-mailed the City Engineer about this.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Latest on local TV

Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Today and more about Dusty Springfield!
- Met the new Chief Constable. A useful and productive meeting. The Chief Constable emphasised his commitment to community policing and more police visible on the beat.
- Chaired the Dundee City Region Strategic Plan Interim Joint Committee. Dundee was hosting this meeting (with representatives from Angus, Fife and Perth & Kinross Councils) - hence my turn to chair - and there were major decisions taken regarding the organisational structure of the Strategic Development Planning Authority and the formation of the long-term joint committee.
- Attended the Balgay Stakeholders meeting, together with Leisure & Communities Department staff, Friends of Balgay and the Community Council.
And lastly, for tonight ... the power of Dusty ... I have had e-mails today from the US and Australia following the Dusty Springfield video going on the blog at the weekend. From Kathy in Australia today :
Dear Fraser,
Many thanks for giving our website a mention on your site. Just thought you might like to know that Will, who wrote to you before is our Forum Admin and lives in Glasgow, but we have members all around the world. Dusty is truly loved and cherished in so many countries.
Our members are in Australia, Sweden, Finland, Germany, England, Scotland, Wales, Canada, The US, The Netherlands, and many more countries besides. If you ever need a "Dusty" fix, feel free to browse the site (Will gave details) for the many photos of Dusty etc.
We also supported Katie Setterfield on the One and Only as she did her tribute to Dusty Springfield. Katie is now in Las Vegas fulfilling her prize of playing there. But she will be back on tour from next month in the UK and Will tells me she will be playing in Glasgow. I would say it would be a show not to be missed.
Thanks once again for helping promote our site. We raise a fair bit of money for the Charities that Dusty was close to and exist to perpetrate the memory of Britain's best singer.
With best wishes (from Oz)
Kathy Banks
Development Quality Committee and proposed phone mast at Balgay Bowling Club
The committee convener attempted to move approval of the mast but failed to find a seconder, so my motion to refuse planning approval was therefore agreed. The full motion read :
Reasons for Refusal
1. The proposed development is contrary to Policy 1 - "Vibrant and Sustainable Communities" of the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005 as the development is likely to impact adversely on the environmental quality enjoyed by local residents. There are no material considerations of sufficient strength to justify the granting of planning permission contrary to the policy.
2. The proposed development is contrary to Policy 61 - "Development in Conservation Areas" of the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005 as it fails to preserve or enhance the Conservation Area. There are no material considerations of sufficient strength to justify the granting of planning permission contrary to the policy.
3. The proposed development is contrary to Policy 78 - "Location of Telecommunications Equipment" of the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005 as there is a failure to mast share or demonstrate that there may be other viable options. There are no material considerations of sufficient strength to justify the granting of planning permission contrary to the policy.
4. The proposed development is contrary to Policy 2 "Residential Areas" of Dundee City Council's adopted Non-Statutory Planning Policies in Relation to Telecommunications Masts and Other Apparatus as there is a general presumption against the siting of free standing masts in residential areas.
5. The proposed development is contrary to Policy 11 "Conservation Areas" of Dundee City Council's adopted Non-Statutory Planning Policies in Relation to Telecommunications Masts and Other Apparatus as there is a general presumption against the location of ground based masts in Conservation Areas where by virtue of their location and design they are considered likely to impact adversely on the setting of the Conservation Area.
Monday, 18 August 2008
Dusty Update - e-mail received tonight ...
Forum Admin, "Let's Talk Dusty!"
Local TV - Letter to the First Minister

This is in support of a request from the Scottish Local TV Federation, arguing for an additional digital TV spectrum allocation for Scotland - the "seventh mux" - to ensure delivery of local TV across the country.
You can read the letter by clicking on the headline above.
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Parking - Park Place Nursery and Primary Schools
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education recently highlighted concerns about traffic and parking in the vicinity of the school and I am concerned to ensure that the City Council looks at all potential options for improving the situation, given the concerns from parents of children at both the nursery and primary schools.
I was pleased to learn that the Education Department is proactively looking at the issues and has indeed established a working group of cross-department senior officers to look at the issues affecting parking/drop off of pupils at schools across the city, as there are clearly issues at many schools in Dundee. In addition to specific measures at Park Place and at other school locations, the working group is insisting that each school sets up its own Travel Plan to encourage safe and active routes to and from school.
Park Place is a particularly difficult site, given its congested location and very limited drop-off facilities. A pilot drop-off facility to the rear of the school attempted last year was not well-used and resulted in the loss of play area, so I was anxious to learn what additional steps the Education Department will consider to ensure safe drop-off and collection of children from both the nursery and primary school.
Parents have been concerned about the speed of some vehicles in the vicinity of the school and that any badly parked vehicles made it difficult for parents and children to see to safely cross the road. I was given an assurance that I'll be kept updated on any further measures the Council’s Working Group arrives at and will be meeting with the new Head Teacher of Park Place Primary on appointment to discuss how any measures can be specifically applied at Park Place for the benefit of pupils and parents.
Pupil safety at schools is of paramount importance, as highlighted in the recent HMIE report, and I will be keeping a close eye of the situation with the onset of the new term this week.
Saturday, 16 August 2008
FOCUS on Saturday

* Airport - noise issues
* Speed limit on western part of Perth Road to be reviewed
* Pathway at Seymour Lodge - resurfacing imminent
* Logie - grounds/garden maintenance
* Pathway on Perth Road at Riverside Place/River Crescent
You can download page 1 of FOCUS by clicking on the headline above and page 2 by clicking on the headline of the blog entry below.
In between deliveries this morning, I managed to take a few minutes out to pay a visit to the Paton's Lane Sheltered Housing Complex's Sale and Raffle Day - a super turnout of residents!
Latest FOCUS - page 2
Dusty Springfield - All I see is you
Totally irrelevant distraction ... haven't heard this for ages. Came on the radio a few days ago ... on the strength of it, bought a Dusty Springfield Greatest Hits CD. Superb.
Friday, 15 August 2008
Today's Perth Road/Nethergate "official re-opening"

Above : At the vintage bus!

Thursday, 14 August 2008
Thursday's West End News

The Lord Provost of Dundee, Cllr John Letford, along with West End City Councillors, Community Council representatives, local businesses, residents and representatives from Scotland Gas Networks, Turriff and Stagecoach, will tomorrow (Friday 15th August at 11.30am at Seabraes Perth Road – just east of Roseangle) mark the official re-opening of Perth Road/Nethergate, which has, since April of this year, suffered a series of road closures, due to gas main replacement works.
Dundee City Council Planning & Transport Convener and West End City Councillor, Fraser Macpherson, said he was delighted that the significant disruption to the Perth Road/Nethergate shopping area caused by Scotland Gas Networks’ replacement of the gas main has come to an end, some six weeks ahead of schedule.
Cllr Macpherson said, “This has been a very difficult period particularly for local businesses but also with inconvenience to residents, with no or limited through traffic and the bus services having to be diverted. I think everyone appreciates that the gas main work was absolutely necessary but I am pleased it has been finished ahead of schedule and that the Perth Road east of Sinderins and Nethergate west of South Tay Street can return to normal.
To mark the re-opening, the Lord Provost will journey on a Stagecoach vintage routemaster bus up Nethergate and Perth Road. Cllr Macpherson said he hoped that, with a diverse range of shops, the district shopping area in Perth Road and Nethergate would remain a highly attractive place to shop.
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Latest update on bus services

Dundee City Council Planning and Transport Convener and West End Councillor, Fraser Macpherson, together with the Operations Manager of Stagecoach Strathtay, today met a packed meeting of over 40 West End residents to discuss their issues about local bus services, following concerns about the future of the 72 bus service in the West End area.
Cllr Macpherson said this evening that the meeting was an opportunity to explain the new bus arrangements, which start next Monday (18th August) following agreement between the City Council and Stagecoach Strathtay to retain the route, albeit on a different timetable.
“The agreement between the City Council and Stagecoach ensures that three full route return journeys per day Monday to Friday will be retained, now badged as the 69 service and now also covering Broughty Ferry. This will ensure that Royal Victoria Hospital, Ninewells Hospital and the Newhall Gardens & Invergowrie Drive areas continue to be covered by the service. Additionally there will be four journeys each day on a reduced West End route as far west as Windsor Street, badged as the 72 service,” said Cllr Macpherson.
”The new arrangements will ensure the continuation of local services at least until the end of the current financial year in March 2009, by which the City Council aims to have progressed a demand responsive transport solution to ensure that those who are not served by the main bus services or have mobility difficulties using the service buses, get a service that is useful to them.”
Cllr Macpherson said that he was also able to advise the meeting that he had been informed that normal bus services on Perth Road between Nethergate and Sinderins would be resumed from Thursday at 6am, ending the diversion of buses onto Hawkhill, because of Scotland Gas Networks’ mains replacement project. He concluded, “Residents will be very pleased to see the buses running along the east part of Perth Road after a gap in service for many weeks.”
Dundee success on sustainable transport

Dundee looks set to become one of the first local authorities in the country to run a self-service cycle hire scheme following a successful bid for Scottish Government backing.
The city has been awarded £2.1 million from the government's Smarter Choices Smarter Places initiative to encourage and develop sustainable and active travel throughout communities.
City council planning and transport convener Councillor Fraser Macpherson said: "The fact that we have been successful with this bid is a very firm indication of the high regard that the government has for Dundee as far as travel issues are concerned.
"We have been leading the way with initiatives to encourage less use of cars by, for example, bringing in millions of pounds to improve public transport, and this latest funding means we will be able, with our partners, to continue to make improvements that will have a very real effect on people's lives.
"The council's bid for Dundee to become a Smarter Choices Smarter Places city will be delivered through a project called Dundee Health Central.
"The project will be delivered over a three-year period and the cycle-hire scheme - similar to those run in cities such as London, Paris and Barcelona - is one of a number of initiatives designed to encourage healthy living by cycling and walking within our communities and using the facilities within them, rather than using the car - which obviously has worthwhile environmental benefits."
The partners supporting Dundee Health Central include NHS Tayside, University of Dundee, bus companies, Sustrans and Tactran, of which Councillor Macpherson is the chair.
The hire scheme is among a package put forward for the project to encourage active travel to promote healthy lifestyles for residents of and visitors to the study area of central Dundee. The area will be used to test a variety of Smarter Choices measures, to find out which would be best to eventually roll out across the city.
The project aims to promote change for everyone living in or visiting the study area and will reach people in a number of ways, including NHS patients through GPs' surgeries, children and their parents through schools, city-centre workers through employers and students and staff through universities.
As well as the cycle hire scheme, initiatives include:
· Cycle training for all the family to encourage more use of bikes;
· Complimentary trial journeys to encourage people to use buses;
· Providing information and resources to encourage more use of local facilities that avoids the need for car journeys;
· Identifying physical barriers such as poor surfacing and drainage, narrow pathways or poor lighting that would put people off walking.
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
The Case for Channel 6

Overgrown bushes - Ninewells Avenue

Monday, 11 August 2008
Busy Monday!
A busy day Monday and apart from an awful lot of day job work starting very early morning – I have a large conference to organise coming up fast! - it included the following :
* Interview with Wave 102 about moves towards local television in Dundee and Tayside/Fife as a whole. You can hear this by clicking play on the video below.
*Meetings with the Council Leader and the Director of Planning & Transportation about a number of issues. I also spoke at the City Council’s Recess Sub-Committee, backing the report to allow the continuation of a bus service for users of the 72 in the West End and 69 in Broughty Ferry. I am pleased to say the report was unanimously agreed.
* I am to be on STV news at 6pm tonight to speak about the latest situation on Post Office closures and my request that City Council legal officers investigate the viability of a legal challenge to the four Dundee Post Office closures.
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Local television update

The local authorities covering Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth and Kinross have already been involved in lobbying Ofcom (the UK regulator for TV and communications) based on the view that there is a strong case for Fife and Tayside being involved in the opportunities that local TV may bring. Other areas such as Edinburgh and Glasgow will have local TV. Fife and Tayside can provide evidence both of consumer demand and of the technical and business capacity to support the operation of local TV transmission and content production for broadcast.
Saturday, 9 August 2008
Public transport in Dundee
Friday, 8 August 2008
Good news on the roadworks - Perth Road & Nethergate

This has been a very difficult period particularly for local businesses but also the inconvenience to residents, with no or limited through traffic and the bus services having to be diverted. I think everyone appreciates that the gas main work was absolutely necessary but I am pleased it has been finished ahead of schedule and that the Perth Road east of Sinderins and Nethergate west of South Tay Street can return to normal.
I have arranged a photocall/reopening next Friday (15th August) to officially re-open the road back to normal traffic activity and buses, and to mark the occasion, the Lord Provost will journey on a vintage routemaster bus from Stagecoach up Nethergate and Perth Road.
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Changes to my weekly surgeries

Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Latest exchanges with Post Offices Limited
FAO Sally Buchanan
Dear Ms Buchanan
I am taken aback by Post Office Limited's "Area Plan Decision Booklet - North East, Tayside & Fife" in respect of Nethergate Post Office, Dundee.
Clear, specific, evidence was given to you about customer growth in the future. This is dismissed in one sentence - "Information was also received on several new developments being planned in the area."
There is absolutely no explanation as to how you dealt with this evidence and why you dismissed it. Please advise why.
I am taking further advice on this failure of Post Office Limited to properly deal with evidence presented to it.
I look forward to your response.
Best regards
Cllr Fraser Macpherson
Councillor for the West End
Post Office Limited’s reply :
Dear Councillor MacPherson
Thank you for your further email, also copied to Sally Buchanan, Network Development Manager. I have been asked to reply on behalf of Sally Buchanan, as Agency Correspondence Team Leader with responsibilities for network change.
It should be noted that there is a strict Code of Practice for network change consultations, which has been agreed with Postwatch, the independent consumer watchdog for postal services. Each local consultation is conducted precisely in accordance with the detailed terms of the Memorandum of Understanding agreed between Post Office Limited and Postwatch. This document can be viewed on our website under network change.
As I am sure you will appreciate, Post Office Limited has received a substantial response to the local public consultation in respect of the Network Change Programme and, unfortunately, it is not possible to set out in full all of the responses to local public consultation in the decision documents. Each decision document, therefore, contains a summary of the key aspects of the responses to local public consultation received by Post Office Limited in relation to each of the branches originally proposed for closure under the respective Area Plan. I can only apologise if this is perceived to be dismissing the detailed information provided by the City Council and would like to assure you this is not the case.
All responses received to local consultation, including your own representations and the points raised during the meetings attended by Post Office Ltd, are reviewed, considered and taken into account by the respective Network Development Manager, in this case Sally Buchanan, when making our decisions.
More specifically, I can confirm that as part of the final decision process, Sally Buchanan has included the following points:
That the Alliance Trust are due to open an extensive office near
Nethergate Post Office® branch employing 400 staff and that this may
potentially increase the customer footfall at. The branch
The new business units to be built locally
The new premises near the University in the Hawkhill area that have
recently been built that might put pressure on Ward Road Post Office®
Dundee’s growing games and media sector including companies such as
Tag games, Cohort Studios, Proper Games etc is located in The Digital
Media Park
In reaching her decision, many other factors are also considered, such as customer usage, proximity, relative size and fit to the Government’s national accessibility criteria as well as the other factors Post Office Limited has to take into account. We remain confident that Dundee Crown Office and Perth Road Post Office branch has sufficient capacity to cope with additional customers from the closure of Nethergate and also the new developments planned for the area.
Yours sincerely
Valerie Stanley
Agency Correspondence Team Leader
National Consultation Team
Post Office Ltd
And my response to that :
Dear Ms Stanley
Thank you for your e-mail.
I note what you write but would make clear that I remain extremely concerned that Post Office Limited has in no way explained what it did with the evidence of future increased Post Office usage at Nethergate and why it was insufficient to justify keeping Nethergate Post Office open.
You say that :
"I can confirm that as part of the final decision process, Sally Buchanan has included the following points:
That the Alliance Trust are due to open an extensive office near
Nethergate Post Office® branch employing 400 staff and that this may
potentially increase the customer footfall at. The branch
The new business units to be built locally
The new premises near the University in the Hawkhill area that have
recently been built that might put pressure on Ward Road Post Office®
Dundee’s growing games and media sector including companies such as
Tag games, Cohort Studios, Proper Games etc is located in The Digital
Media Park"
You do not indicate in any way what was done with the specific evidence I and other objectors gave you about customer growth. In my view, the future for customer growth at Nethergate Post Office made the case for keeping Nethergate Post Office open.
Please explain, in detail, why Post Office Limited considers this is not the case.
Best regards
Cllr Fraser Macpherson
Councillor for the West End
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Postwatch response
Cllr Fraser Macpherson
Dundee City Council
4 August 2008
Dear Cllr Macpherson
Network Change Programme
Thank you for your email of 1 August 2008 to Professor Alexander. He has asked me to reply on his behalf.
I note your deep disappointment with Post Office Ltd's decision to go ahead with the closure of the four post offices in Dundee and also the length of the consultation period.
Postwatch Scotland did advocate for a longer consultation period however the Government decided to proceed with a 6 week consultation.
I understand your concerns about Post Office Ltd's decision to proceed with these closures.
I would like to assure you that, in line with our Government-prescribed role, Postwatch Scotland made every effort to ensure Post Office Ltd took into account local factors and communities' needs, and that the consultation process as stipulated by Government was followed.
Postwatch Scotland arrived at our final position through our own field work, scrutiny of relevant local factors such as demographics and transport arrangements, responses sent directly to us and those in the response summary produced for us by Post Office Ltd. You will note the concerns raised by Postwatch Scotland in our response to Post Office Ltd at the end of the consultation period which can be accessed on our website (www.postwatch.co.uk/regions/Scotland).
I should stress that the final decision to proceed with the closures is made by Post Office Ltd and Postwatch Scotland cannot veto this decision.
Further detail on their rational for going ahead with the closures is contained in their decision document, available on the 'current public consultations' webpage at www.postoffice.co.uk/networkchange.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to contact us and wish you success should you choose to proceed with a legal challenge.
If we can be of any assistance in the future please contact us again.
Yours sincerely,
Irene Mitchell
Postwatch Scotland Executive
Monday, 4 August 2008
The Courier : Talks on legal challenge to post office closures
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Tackling fuel poverty

The Liberal Democrats have launched a fuel poverty package to tackle this crisis. The key points are :
* Making energy companies invest £500m a year into a rolling programme to make sure homes are properly insulated
* Requiring energy companies to roll out social tariffs to over two million vulnerable customers
* Installing smart meters, which display consumption costs, rather than conventional meters
Vince Cable had an excellent article on tackling fuel poverty, published in the Independent last Thursday - you can read more by clicking on the headline above.
Post Office Closures : Latest
Post Office Card Account

News yesterday in the press that the long-awaited decision on the Post Office Card Account (click on headline above to view story in yesterday's 'Press and Journal') has been put off until later in the year fuels the uncertainty over the future of the Post Office network.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) had been due to reveal last month which organisation would get the contract for what is now the Post Office Card Account but has now put off the decision until later in the year.
DWP has given no reason as to why it is delaying the announcement but as yesterday's Press and Journal points out, "...the department would have risked a political furore if it had announced the decision while MPs were on holiday. "
It is vital that Post Office Limited retains this business. The fact that the announcement of the decision on the contract has been postponed to avoid a political furore does not bode well in terms of what that decision may be.
The Labour Government has lost the trust of the people. Properly securing the future of the Post Office network, overturning post office closure decisions and helping to secure Post Office Limited's future by removing uncertainty over the Post Office Card Account contract would go some way towards showing the public that the government is listening. Don't hold your breath.