Residents in the areas that the Nethergate and Lochee Road Post Offices serve have contacted me asking when Post Office Limited will make a decision about the future of the Post Offices that they have said are under threat. People are naturally concerned at the possible loss of their local post office and anxious to learn the outcome of the recent consultation process by Post Office Limited.
The consultation ended on 8th July and we have yet to hear further from Post Office Limited. One constituent advised me that she has been checking the Post Office website daily to see if there is any news update on the outcome but there has been no update since 8th July.
I have therefore written to Sally Buchanan, Network Development Manager at Post Office Limited, asking that the outcome of the consultation process and Post Office Limited’s final decisions are made known as a matter of urgency. I think Post Office Limited owes it to the affected communities to make its intentions known as soon as possible.