Above : We went to New York first - here's Janet in Times Square
Above : In New York for the 4th of July - despite drizzling rain that night, the fireworks were really spectacular.
Above : And great to see Scotland getting promoted in the centre of New York
Above : New York - Times Square - can't escape the politics!
Above : After New York, we had four days in Las Vegas - extremely hot but we had a great time!
Above : And then on to Boston - here's me there - not been to Boston before - very impressed, lovely city with loads to see.
Above : Good to see "Focus" extends to Boston!
Above : Janet in Boston
Above : We were canvassed in the street in Cambridge, MA, when visiting Harvard by a really nice lady from the Democrats and had to politely explain that, although supportive, we don't actually have a vote ... anyway, this is me there, making the preference clear!