I have now had a response from Postwatch as follows :
Dear Councillor Macpherson
Network Change Programme
Thank you for copying Postwatch Scotland into your correspondence regarding the proposed closures of Nethergate and Lochee Road Post Offices.
Regarding Nethergate Post Office you outline your concerns about the reasons for the proposal as it is an area which is going to grow significantly in the future.
Your correspondence with respect to Lochee Road outlines your particular concerns regarding the accessibility to alternative branches especially for vulnerable members of the community.
You also mention that you feel that both communities would receive a lower quality of service at other branches and that they would both be losing a vital service should these closures go ahead.
Postwatch Scotland's focus will be on whether Post Office Ltd's proposals meet the newly introduced minimum access criteria for post offices which aim to ensure communities are within a reasonable distance from a post office.
We will also check that local factors – such as public transport arrangements, pertinent topographical features, demographics and the impact on the local economy – have been properly considered.
However, I should make you aware that Postwatch Scotland does not have the power to overturn Post Office Ltd's final decision on any closure.
The concerns you raise are of great value to Postwatch Scotland and will help to influence our response to Post Office Ltd at the end of the consultation period.
The information has also been passed to our network team responsible for assessing Post Office Ltd's plans. I would like to thank you for taking the time to raise your concerns with us.
If you would like to discuss this, or we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely
Emma Swithenbank
Postwatch Scotland Administrator