This coincides with National Liftshare Day on Monday 9th June and complements the Partnership’s already successful car sharing database, which encourages more sustainable travel across Tayside and Central Scotland. The latest upgrade to the site extends the liftsharing facility for matching up journeys to include anyone who is walking or cycling and also taxi users.
Developed with a Scottish Government grant, tactranliftshare.com is a regional website which includes the four partner local authority liftsharing schemes: Angusliftshare.com, Dundeelilftshare.com, PerthandKinrossliftshare.com and Stirlingliftshare.com.
The http://www.tactranliftshare.com/ website was launched in June 2007 to encourage sustainable travel and highlight the benefits of sharing journeys with others. The site helps people who work and live in the region to find lifts through a database which matches journeys and times of travel.
The site is free and available to both the general public and private groups. You don't even need a car to register a match for liftsharing – and any journey mode registered can be regular or one-off. The current regional liftshare membership of 1,500 has collectively saved 1.4 million road miles and 415 tonnes of Co2 so far!
Members simply register and enter their journeys on the site and when suitable matches are identified, they’re emailed basic contact information such as first names and postcode area. The whole process is handled through tactranliftshare and security advice on contacting and meeting potential sharers is fully provided on the website.
TACTRAN Chair, Councillor Fraser Macpherson said :-
“Promoting more sustainable travel is a key part of tactran’s Regional Transport Strategy. Our increasingly popular liftshare scheme aims to cut congestion and reduce the impact transport has on our local and global environment. The introduction of a “buddy scheme” incorporating other travel modes offers existing and potential users further alternatives to drive-alone commuting, which we hope will lead to more sustainable use of the private motor car and provide people with greater travel choice.”
With the extensive movement of commuters across the region for work, study and leisure, the introduction of the Buddy Scheme on tactranliftshare offers new benefits for residents of Angus, Dundee, Perth and Kinross and Stirling as well as people travelling from outside the region.
Other major employers are also supporting the initiative by forming private groups within the scheme. In addition to the partner Councils’ own sites, NHS Tayside, The University of Dundee and Stirling University also operate liftshare schemes. By encouraging employees to car share, a considerable reduction in drive-alone journeys can be achieved. This in turn will help in cutting congestion, which is good for the local economy as well as the environment.
Developed with a Scottish Government grant, tactranliftshare.com is a regional website which includes the four partner local authority liftsharing schemes: Angusliftshare.com, Dundeelilftshare.com, PerthandKinrossliftshare.com and Stirlingliftshare.com.
The http://www.tactranliftshare.com/ website was launched in June 2007 to encourage sustainable travel and highlight the benefits of sharing journeys with others. The site helps people who work and live in the region to find lifts through a database which matches journeys and times of travel.
The site is free and available to both the general public and private groups. You don't even need a car to register a match for liftsharing – and any journey mode registered can be regular or one-off. The current regional liftshare membership of 1,500 has collectively saved 1.4 million road miles and 415 tonnes of Co2 so far!
Members simply register and enter their journeys on the site and when suitable matches are identified, they’re emailed basic contact information such as first names and postcode area. The whole process is handled through tactranliftshare and security advice on contacting and meeting potential sharers is fully provided on the website.
TACTRAN Chair, Councillor Fraser Macpherson said :-
“Promoting more sustainable travel is a key part of tactran’s Regional Transport Strategy. Our increasingly popular liftshare scheme aims to cut congestion and reduce the impact transport has on our local and global environment. The introduction of a “buddy scheme” incorporating other travel modes offers existing and potential users further alternatives to drive-alone commuting, which we hope will lead to more sustainable use of the private motor car and provide people with greater travel choice.”
With the extensive movement of commuters across the region for work, study and leisure, the introduction of the Buddy Scheme on tactranliftshare offers new benefits for residents of Angus, Dundee, Perth and Kinross and Stirling as well as people travelling from outside the region.
Other major employers are also supporting the initiative by forming private groups within the scheme. In addition to the partner Councils’ own sites, NHS Tayside, The University of Dundee and Stirling University also operate liftshare schemes. By encouraging employees to car share, a considerable reduction in drive-alone journeys can be achieved. This in turn will help in cutting congestion, which is good for the local economy as well as the environment.