As residents' parking is an issue raised by many people in the West End, I have been taking a very close interest in driving forward this exercise and, as Planning & Transport Convener, I met with a representative of the consultants on 28th April to discuss the process.
Here is part of their communication to councillors :
“As you will be aware the council has been receiving a growing number of complaints from residents in areas adjacent to existing schemes that they finding it increasingly difficult to park outside their home.
"To take this matter further the Planning and Transport Committee on 22 October 2007 approved plans to carry out public consultations in five areas of the city to gauge support for an extension to the Residents' Parking Scheme (Report No 460-2007 refers). We have now completed the on street parking surveys in the five areas concerned (Dundee West End, Dudhope, Hilltown, Princes Street and Invergowrie Drive).
“Colin Buchanan (transport consultants) are carrying out this work on behalf of the council. To keep you informed with regard to developments and be prepared for any queries from constituents you should note the following.
“From week commencing 19 May 2008 we will begin issuing the postal questionnaires as follows:
* a postal questionnaire survey of all householders in each zone
* a postal survey of all businesses in each zone
“These are to be returned by 2 June 2008.
“This will then be followed by:
* a postal survey or representative stakeholder organisations with an interest in the zones
* five stakeholder consultation meetings (one in each zone)
* a report of the key findings with recommendations for further action
“It is important that this process is successful in measuring public opinion and in this respect we are very keen to ensure that everyone with an interest in the issue has an opportunity to contribute their point of view.”