A busy Friday, mainly on the "day job", but useful meetings on refuse collection and transport matters and also a useful meeting with the new Police Inspector for our area (and a very good appointment - she was a few years ago an extremely effective sergeant in the area).
At the latest meeting of the Beacon Management Group - organised by Tayside Police - we got a very useful update on "Little and Lost".

This city centre scheme helps young children find their parents quickly if they become separated while out shopping .
‘Little & Lost’ builds on the links developed between retailers, police and city centre management through the Dundee Co-ordinated Anti-Crime Network (DUNCAN) to ensure that lost youngsters are reunited quickly with their parents.
‘Little & Lost’ has already proved a success, and if you click on the headline above, you can see its new website, just launched.
All shops in Dundee are involved in this excellent initiative.