This is an issue in which I have taken a close interest (click on headline above to view an earlier blog entry) and the Tele last night featured the fact that the University has not been prepared to give me an assurance that, in looking at ways of providing the garden with a sustainable financial future, it would rule out selling any of the garden ground to a developer. The University has made clear it (and the working group assisting with the future of the Botanics) will consider all options - but I consider this an option too far.
I have been working with one of the sub-groups the Friends of Dundee Botanic Garden established to look at ways of increasing funds. We've been looking at - for example - ways of getting support of local businesses through corporate membership of the gardens. Additionally, the recent City Council announcement regarding help via the Common Good Fund is extremely positive.
There is no doubt in my mind that the local community in the West End - and, indeed, many people from further afield - would strongly oppose the selling of any of the garden ground. The Dundee Local Plan Review 2005 is crystal clear - the whole Botanic Garden is protected open space - you can see this on-line at : http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/dundeecity/uploaded_publications/publication_588.pdf.
I remain convinced that a sustainable financial future can be provided for the Botanic Garden without any need to sell off any of the garden ground and reduce what is a jewel in the crown in the West End.