This follows on from approval of a report to the Planning & Transport Committee last autumn (click on headline to view) that gave authority for the City Council to ensure there was a serious investigation of options to improve residents’ parking, consult with communities about the options and report back to committee on the views of residents, the options available and the costs of implementing improvements. Transportation data experts Count on Us has been appointed to undertake survey work.
The work will take some time as it is extensive, starting with survey work, but also thereafter detailed consultations with residents and communities. I regularly discuss with residents the difficulties many have trying to park near to their homes, so this development is very welcome indeed. It allows for the experts to survey the extent of problems, look at solutions, but crucially, consult with communities on options.
The areas subject to the work initially cover the West End (particularly the area of the district shopping centre and adjacent areas and the area immediately adjacent to Ninewells Hospital), together with Dudhope, Hilltown and Princes Street.
Different solutions may be the best way forward in different areas and that the outcomes from this exercise could benefit other communities in the future. The City Council has also established a working group (of which I am a member) to look at particular parking problems in the City’s housing estates.