…there is no doubt that Mr Clegg speaks for many voters when he refers to parliament's "clapped-out" procedures"…. On the basis of his performance this weekend Mr Clegg has the potential to be a distinctive, radical and engaging leader.
Steve Richards, Independent 11th March 2008
The party certainly seems comfortable with [Nick Clegg]. … The new Lib Dem leader is a highly skilled communicator. Often engaging and impressive on the TV and radio airwaves.
John Pienaar, BBC, 9th March 2008
Clegg issues political challenge (headline)
Mr Clegg … signalled a shift towards a tax-cutting agenda, pledging to find ways to channel any spare public money into reducing individuals' bills rather than boosting public services.
Daily Express 10th March 2008
Nick Clegg: Let voters sack corrupt MPs (headline)
MPs caught misusing public money should face by-elections where constituents would have the chance to sack them, the Liberal Democrat leader told his party conference today.
Daily Telegraph 10th March 2008
[Nick Clegg] called for: a £25,000 cap on political donations; MPs found guilty of serious misconduct to be forced to defend their seats in a by-election; greater local democratic control of services; and a citizens' jury of 100 people to join political parties, churches, civil society groups and others in a constitutional convention to "redesign the way Britain is governed".
Guardian 10th March 2008
... a defiant first party conference speech [from Nick Clegg].
ITN 9th March 2008
Clegg seeks 'new type of government' (headline)
Epolitix 9th March 2008
Steve Richards, Independent 11th March 2008
The party certainly seems comfortable with [Nick Clegg]. … The new Lib Dem leader is a highly skilled communicator. Often engaging and impressive on the TV and radio airwaves.
John Pienaar, BBC, 9th March 2008
Clegg issues political challenge (headline)
Mr Clegg … signalled a shift towards a tax-cutting agenda, pledging to find ways to channel any spare public money into reducing individuals' bills rather than boosting public services.
Daily Express 10th March 2008
Nick Clegg: Let voters sack corrupt MPs (headline)
MPs caught misusing public money should face by-elections where constituents would have the chance to sack them, the Liberal Democrat leader told his party conference today.
Daily Telegraph 10th March 2008
[Nick Clegg] called for: a £25,000 cap on political donations; MPs found guilty of serious misconduct to be forced to defend their seats in a by-election; greater local democratic control of services; and a citizens' jury of 100 people to join political parties, churches, civil society groups and others in a constitutional convention to "redesign the way Britain is governed".
Guardian 10th March 2008
... a defiant first party conference speech [from Nick Clegg].
ITN 9th March 2008
Clegg seeks 'new type of government' (headline)
Epolitix 9th March 2008