The photo (right) is the launch in Blackness Avenue of the original phase last year, attended by myself, fellow councillors and members of Blackness Area Residents' Association.
I'm pleased to say that it is planned to include the West End in this expansion, and the following areas are being considered, subject to consultation with nearby residents :
I'm pleased to say that it is planned to include the West End in this expansion, and the following areas are being considered, subject to consultation with nearby residents :
· Perth Road - east of Ryehill Lane
· Perth Road - at the east side of Seabraes
· Balfour Street - in the Dundee University campus near entrance of Students Union building
· Scott Street - east of Glenagnes Road (subject to the adjacent land owner's permission)
It is intended to consult with residents this week and give a period for feedback, so the new facilities are likely to be installed later on in April. Residents' groups/Community Councils are also consulted and nearby householders will also be provided with an information leaflet and reusable jute bag to carry recyclables to the bins.
Each Neighbourhood Recycling Point will consist of 4 steel containers for recycling each of the following materials:
· Paper
· Clear glass
· Green glass
· Brown glass