The issues covered include :
- Tay Rail Bridge - Noise issue
- Wheelie Bins on pavements
- High Mill - overgrown area
- Windsor Street speeding
- Unadopted pavement Perth Road
- CCTV in the West End
- Pathway Perth Road to Rail Line
- Dundee Airport - Passenger Access
- Al-Maktoum Cultural Centre
- West End Roads and Pavements
- Tay Street Lane - flooding
- Area south of Richmond Terrace - trees vandalism
- Large sign at Riverside Avenue/Drive roundabout
- Postbox : Corner of Hazel Drive and Glamis Terrace
- Parking - Seafield Lane/Thomson Street
- Pennycook Lane sheltered housing - handrail
You can download a copy of the update by clicking on the headline above.
The Community Council meets this coming Tuesday (12th February) at 7pm at Logie St John's (Cross) Chruch Hall.