Yesterday's Courier followed up on Monday's story about my concerns (and those of many local residents) about some HGVs ignoring the 3 tonne weight limit on the bridge at Riverside Drive south of the Botanic Gardens. I also spoke on Radio Tay and Wave 102 news about the concerns and action taken by the City Council and Tayside Police. The issue was also covered in the Press & Journal today.
Yesterday was a really busy day with Mike Galloway (City Council Director of Planning & Transportation) and myself (in my role as Planning & Transport Convener) selecting the winner of this year's Dundee Civic Award - the award is awarded annually by the City Council to the best project and presentation from third year students of town and regional planning at Duncan of Jordanstone, University of Dundee. The three shortlisted entries were extremely strong (making choosing the winner a difficult task) but congratulations go to Garrie Watson, this year's winner. You can read more about this from last night's Evening Telegraph by clicking on the headline above.
Later in the day, I attended meetings of the Balgay Stakeholders' Group, then a committee
meeting of Logie Residents' Association (who have had a very good response to their recent residents' survey on local issues) and lastly a committee meeting of Friends of Magdalen Green. The Friends of Magdalen Green, whose first AGM was only last May, has gone from strength to strength, with an ever increasing membership. One thing you can say about the West End of Dundee is that it has a variety of excellent local groups, undertaking very good work for our community.

A number of residents have pointed out that the proposed one day closure of Glamis Drive on Monday (I highlighted in the blog the previous Friday) did not appear to take place. The City Council's Planning & Transportation Department has since advised me that:
"The closure did not take place. The contractor had a problem with his civils squad. The work will be rearranged for a later date."
I will, of course, let residents know of the amended date when I am advised of this.
Most of today spent in Falkirk with my employer's Scottish Association AGM, which was very well attended and informative.
Lastly, further to my blog entry last Sunday about Edison Lighthouse ... I was speaking with a local reporter on the Riverside Drive bridge problem on Monday and he did point out that Edison Lighthouse does appear in the video to be on the steps of the Caird Hall! Very close inspection tells otherwise but there must be another building out there with steps like the Caird Hall's.