I have been in touch with the City Council's Leisure & Communities Department already to ask what plans are being considered to mark this important milestone and I am pleased to learn that plans are well advanced. Here's part of the response I have received from the department :

As both are Carnegie libraries, contact will be made with the Carnegie Trust for any relevant information to use in exhibitions. Other local groups, together with parents and children will be included in the celebrations for the library.
Publicity for the celebrations will be prepared and issued at an appropriate time."
I'll keep residents updated with the details as I hear them.
On another matter, pleased to see the Evening Telegraph promoting Dundee's latest "Monopoly" board bid (and a brilliant picture of the LP in tonight's paper - click on headline above to view!)
Last year, I ran one or two items on the blog about the city's previous (and successful) Monopoly board bid (see - for example - http://frasermacpherson.blogspot.com/2007/05/vote-dundee-and-last-word-on-election.html) and I again hope everyone will "Vote Dundee!" by going to http://www.monopolyworldvote.com/en_GB/world
Lastly, I recently received residents' complaints about the road condition at the Riverside Approach/Magdalen Yard Road junction. I have now had the following feedback from the City Council :
"An order for the filling of a pothole at the junction of Riverside Approach and Magdalen Yard Road has been raised with the contractor."