News Release : Councillor slams "wanton vandalism" of trees in conservation area
West End City Councillor Fraser Macpherson has today hit out at vandalism that has occurred on land near to Richmond Terrace, west of Magdalen Green, which saw the destruction of six mature sycamore trees.
The trees, situated in part of the local conservation area, were felled over last weekend and the councillor hit out at the damage done, which has aroused strong criticism from numerous West End residents.
Cllr Macpherson said, “Following concerns residents have raised with me about this dreadful act of vandalism, I have spoken with the City Council’s Forestry and Planning Enforcement Officers. I have been assured by council officers that Tayside Police are investigating the matter. I further understand that one of the owners of the two parcels of land here has expressed her concern about this vandalism and has raised the matter with her legal adviser and with the Wildlife Liaison Officer at Tayside Police.
“I have spoken with a number of residents who have expressed great concern at this wanton vandalism of mature trees in a conservation area. I would urge anyone who saw anything in connection with the felling of the trees to contact the Police,” concluded Cllr Macpherson.