Last week, I was pleased to receive confirmation from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth (following a meeting I and the other RTP Chairs in Scotland had with him before Christmas) that he sees the RTPs as playing a valuable part in improving Scotland's transport infrastructure and services. This is good news, removing any concerns about the future role of the regional transport partnerships.
Clearly, the ability to provide improved and demand-responsive community transport right across the Tayside and Stirling areas will greatly depend on future funding levels, but the TACTRAN Buses Strategy and Community Transport/Demand Responsive Transport Action Plan is a good step forward. You can read more about TACTRAN by clicking on the headline above.
I have received complaints about the extent of graffiti on the walkway on the north side of Riverside Drive immediately west of the railway station (see photo above right).
I have reported this to the City Council asking for it to be tidied.