Under my leadership the Liberal Democrats will be ambitious. Ambitious for ourselves and ambitious for Britain.

I want to thank you for giving me the chance to lead our great party. It is a privilege to follow in the footsteps of Paddy Ashdown, Charles Kennedy and Ming Campbell, who have all contributed so much to our party. I look forward to working with them all during my leadership.
I would also like to pay tribute to both Vince Cable and Chris Huhne. Vince has been an inspiration as stand-in leader with both his forensic questioning and his memorable put downs. Chris and I saw a lot of each other during the leadership contest. Now we will be working together as close colleagues to ensure that our party goes on to further electoral success. I am delighted that both Vince and Chris are going to be part of my top team over the coming years.
We have a golden opportunity for our party. Gordon Brown presides over an increasingly stale, incompetent, and desperate government. David Cameron and the Tories don’t know what they stand for anymore.
We know what we stand for – a more Liberal Britain. I am confident that with hard work and dedication we can turn our beliefs into reality and change our country for the better.
Under my leadership our party will be a self-confident, radical, and energetic party. Together we can break the stifling two-party system and change Britain for good. That is my aim. I hope you will join me in making it a reality.
Best Wishes,
Nick Clegg MP
Leader of the Liberal Democrats
P.S. You can read more about the result at www.libdems.org.uk and if you want to see something a little more personal the Observer did a fun film about me at: http://politics.guardian.co.uk/video/2007/sep/14/nick.clegg
And don't forget - one of my first speeches as leader of the Liberal Democrats will be at the Manifesto Group's one day meeting on Saturday 12th January. For more information about the event click on http://www.libdems.org.uk/conference/manifestogroup.html