The City Council has given me the following feedback on the Logie Ave/Ashbank Road junction :
"There have been 3 slight injury accidents recorded for the period 2004 to 2006 incl. These have occurred at the junction of the southern carriageway of Logie Avenue and the southern section of Ashbank Road.
Although the accident number and severity is relatively minor in relation to some other sites, this location has been included in the list of identified sites for road safety measures as there is a dominant factor which low cost engineering measures can target. All accidents relate to failure of north -bound vehicles on Ashbank Road to give way to Logie Avenue traffic at the junction, (albeit one accident was due to icy roads).
It is proposed to emphasise the junction priority by providing give- way triangle road markings on the minor road (north, south, and the central crossing at Logie Avenue), and locally provide centre line road markings on Logie Avenue. Vegetation will be cut back at the junction to improve visibility.
Works are designed and ready to order. Should be completed by mid December."