Saturday 1st December
Christmas Week starts!
The seventh West End Christmas Week will be launched on Magdalen Green at 12.15pm by Depute Lord Provost Joe Morrow.
See the festively decorated bandstand!
There will be fun for all the family on Magdalen Green :
The presentation of prizes to pupils from Park Place Primary, St Joseph's Primary and Blackness Primary Schools - winners of the West End Christmas Week Schools Competition!
Football coaching and mini matches on the Green with Dundee FC and the Scottish Football Association!
Seasonal Chestnuts on the Green - kindly provided by Friends of Magdalen Green!
Music from Dundee University Brass and LoadsaWimminSinging!
Depute Lord Provost and local primary school children will plant a new Cherry Tree on the Green as part of the environment theme of this year's Christmas Week!
Family Art Activities on Magdalen Green - Sparkle and Greenery - making decorations with a new twist. Work with our Environment Artists to capture the spirit of the season!
Blackness Primary School - Christmas Fair 10am to 12 noon - including raffle, cake and candy, games & teas and coffees. All welcome!
Why not attend the Christmas Fair at Blackness Primary School then come down to Magdalen Green for the launch of Christmas Week - a great Saturday out for all the family!
Thursday 6th December at 6.15pm
West End Christmas Concert, Christmas Lights Switch On and spectacular fireworks extravaganza!
This year's West End Christmas Concert takes place at Dundee West Church at 6.15pm. All local residents are very welcome to attend. There will be musical contributions from all local primary and secondary schools. A welcome to the Concert will come from Lord Provost John Letford and the Concert will be hosted by Rev Andrew Greaves.
At 7pm, the West End Christmas Lights will be switched on at Seabraes by Nurse Molly Coddle and Crazy Daisy from the Downfield Musical Society Panto "Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood".
The children can see round a Fire Engine at the switch-on and a Piper from the Tayside Police Pipe Band will play too! There will again be a spectacular fireworks display after the lights switch-on - and we would like to thank the West End shops whose financial support has made the fireworks display possible and thanks to Robin Carstairs for his help in organising the fireworks.